Hospitality and tourism work integrated learning

In AUT’s hospitality and tourism degrees, you complete your work integrated learning course in the final year of your studies. It’s a great opportunity to experience real-life learning and gain valuable workplace experience before you graduate.

This page has information for current students in:

  • Bachelor of International Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of International Tourism Management

In both programmes you complete work integrated learning as part of the course:

What to do before starting work integrated learning

The process for the workplace experience as part of your degree is similar to how you would secure a job in a real-life workplace. The steps in this process are a great way to showcase your attention to detail, communication skills and professionalism.

You need to complete the steps below before you can start your work integrated learning placement.

Find out more on Elab Online

Our hospitality and tourism work integrated learning workflow on Elab Online has all the info you need to prepare for your workplace experience - including more info about the steps in the process below and forms you need to complete.

It’s easy to log into Elab Online – just choose ‘Current student’ and enter your AUT student ID number and password.


When to complete this process

You typically need to start working on this and complete steps 1 to 9 at the start of the semester before you’re planning to do your workplace experience. For example, if you plan to do work integrated learning in the second semester of your third year, you need to complete these steps in the first semester of that year.

Fill in the Work Integrated Learning registration form on Elab Online.

You need to attend the compulsory information session to prepare for your placement.

You can see the session dates and times on Elab Online, and your attendance for this will also be marked on Elab Online.

The sessions cover great advice about securing a placement, with useful links to Elab resources, support and suggestions for connecting with industry.

Prepare to build your CV by:

  1. Attending employability workshops: tips for writing a winning CV and cover letter
  2. Getting your CV checked – submit it to the CV dropbox on elab online
  3. Making necessary changes until the CV specialists approve your CV

Build your CV and cover letter (Elab Online)

When you submit your finalised CV, ensure your file is named appropriately, for example FirstnameLastnameCV.docx

Submit your CV on Elab Online.

Attend the following employability workshops to hone your interviewing and networking skills :

  1. Building Networks and Introduce Yourself Professionally
  2. Goal Setting Success
  3. Job Interview Tips
  4. Job Search Strategies
  5. LinkedIn Part 1 - Create an engaging LinkedIn profile

Register for workshops (Elab Online)

Take a screenshot from Arion of your grades, for each year you have studied on your degree, and then save into one document. Name the file appropriately, for example FirstnameLastnameResult.docx

You can upload your academic record on Elab Online.

You should complete this form early in the semester the semester before you’re planning to do work integrated learning.

The form covers:

  • Information about your current work
  • Your plans for finding a work integrated learning placement
  • Whether or not you’re considering a placement outside of Auckland

You can find the placement preparation form in Elab Online.

Uploading a bibliography as part of your placement preparation is a good chance for you:

  • Indicate what your passions are and what kind of placements you may be interested in
  • Show your academic background to support you when you go for interviews to find your work integrated learning placement

You need to upload the bibliography in a Word document.

You need to upload a list of references (about 10) from journal articles and textbooks that have relevance for your placement and proposed project, in APA 7th format.

You're now ready to enrol in the course HOSP797 Hospitality and Tourism Work-Integrated Learning. Go to Arion and make sure you're enrolled.

Then complete the following steps as soon as you’ve secured your placement.

Check Arion

Start working on the placement details form two to four weeks prior to semester start date.

Complete the information when you meet with your industry mentor to sign the placement agreement. Don’t forget to take both forms with you to the meeting.

You can find both forms on Elab Online.

Once you’ve confirmed your placement, you and your industry mentor need to sign the placement agreement.

You need to scan the document and upload it on Elab Online. Name your file appropriately, for example FirstnameLastnamePA.docx

Then, upload your placement agreement on Elab Online.

Once you have completed steps 1 to 11, your work integrated learning leader will digitally sign your placement agreement via Elab Online two weeks prior to the start of the semester you’re doing work integrated learning.

How to find a work integrated learning placement

Not sure how to find a placement that's right for you? Don't worry; we can help. To help you find a placement, you can:

  • Attend the compulsory info sessions for great advice about:
    • Securing a placement
    • Suggestions for connecting with industry
  • Connect with guest lecturers in classes
  • Talk to your work integrated learning leader to discuss your placement hopes and search plan
  • Check out current opportunities on Elab Online

Contact details

Get in touch if you're currently studying at AUT and have questions about work integrated learning as part of your degree:

Office hours

Wednesdays 12pm-1pm
WA202, City Campus
or via Teams video call

Attend the poster showcase

Meet students who are currently completing their work integrated learning, as well as their industry mentors. This is a great opportunity to ask them questions about what to expect and look forward to.

When: Final exam week (week 15) of each semester
Dress code: Business attire