Sport and Exercise Science Major - Bachelor of Sport, Exercise and Health

Study sport and exercise science to unlock peak athletic performance and revolutionise training methods, using biomechanics, physiology and health assessments.

Within this major you’ll explore four themes: strength and conditioning, performance analysis, biomechanics and exercise physiology. You’ll learn how to assess a person’s or team’s performance and needs, and will be able to prescribe appropriate exercise programmes.

This major has a strong connection to the AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ), which is globally known for its exercise science research, and our graduates go on to a range of exciting careers.

This is part of the Bachelor of Sport, Exercise and Health.

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You’ll find out how to improve fitness and athletic performance through sport and exercise science.

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  • Sport and exercise scientist
  • Strength and conditioning coach
  • Performance and technique analyst
  • Personal trainer
  • Clinical exercise physiologist


Find out more about industry trends, job descriptions and what employers may be looking for.

Sport & Exercise Science Careers

Other majors in the Bachelor of Sport, Exercise and Health

Key features
  • Covers strength and conditioning, performance analysis, biomechanics and exercise physiology
  • Access to the latest sport science research
  • Workplace experience with athletes, fitness centres or sporting bodies
  • Prepares you to register as an exercise and sport scientist, or sport performance analyst
See yourself as
  • Interested in the science behind sport and performance
  • Passionate about fitness and performance
  • A people person and great motivator
Hannah Creamer
Jess Chittenden
Jordan Papa
Rory Moore
Hannah Tiedt

The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.