Research in science

Our research is focused on key scientific issues of regional and global significance. We aim to engage in scientific innovation and excellence that better enables society to develop in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable manner.

Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre

AUT is one of only five Core Research Participants in the Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. This is a AUD$329m 10-year research centre that will bring the aquaculture and renewable energy sectors together to address the challenges of offshore food and energy production.

To find out more contact Professor Lindsey White.

Visit Blue Economy website

Snapper fish in the ocean
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Headshot of Prof Georgina Tuari Stewart
A stock image of a seaside cliff
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Snapper fish in the ocean
Shift in NZ snapper behaviour
10 Feb, 2025
An AUT led team of scientists have uncovered a dramatic shift in the movement patterns of New Zealand’s snapper, which could aid restoration initiatives.
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Rare squid found
02 Aug, 2023
AUT’s resident squid expert Kat Bolstad appeared on RNZ Nights last week to talk about the Squid Squad and their annual Squidmas research trip.
Headshot of Prof Georgina Tuari Stewart
School science and mātauranga Māori
17 Jul, 2023
There is a need for careful reading and thoughtfulness in the discussion over mātauranga Māori and school science, Professor Georgina Tuari Stewart says.
A stock image of a seaside cliff
Southland media feature AUT alumna
07 Jun, 2023
AUT alumna and Coastal Restoration Trust science award winner, Cassie Newman discussed her erosion research with the Southland Times and Southland Express.
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Huge therapeutic potential for research
27 Apr, 2023
At AUT’s Drug Delivery Research Group, PhD candidate Maya Dian is one of several postgraduate students working on novel research and development projects.

Explore our research expertise

AUT's academic supervisors are recognised world-class researchers who have the expert knowledge to guide you throughout your studies.

If you’re interested in applying to a PhD or MPhil, email first to assess your eligibility for the programme.

Keegan Chessum
Shakeel Ahmed
Cassie Newman
Emma Lockie
Deshaun Martin-Clarke