Learn te reo Māori language courses

Come be part of the AUT whānau and learn te reo Māori in a safe and innovative teaching and learning environment. Learn the indigenous language of Aotearoa and gain access to te ao Māori – the Māori worldview.

Learn te reo Māori language courses

Choose a te reo Māori course at a level that is suitable for you:

Not sure which te reo Māori language course to start with?

Have a look at our te reo proficiency test process to find out which te reo Māori course you should start with:

Download the te reo proficiency test process

Who’ll be teaching my course?

Kaiako on these courses include experts in Māori customs, protocols and language. Visit their profiles for more information.

Contact us

If you have any questions about these courses:

If you need help with applying, visit Applying to study at AUT

Online learning resources to learn te reo Māori

Te Whanake is a set of textbooks, study guides, CDs, manuals and a te reo dictionary to support te reo learning.

Te Whanake website