Want to advance your skills and be involved in research related to physiotherapy? This honours degree prepares you for a research-based physiotherapy career.
There’s a growing demand for physiotherapy clinical services and physiotherapists with advanced skills in clinical research. Graduates of the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours) will have advanced research skills that prepare them well for doctoral level study and a research-based career pathway.
Top students in the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) will be invited to apply for enrolment in this new honours degree.
*The programme is subject to final approval by the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand.
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Potential students are usually identified in the third year of their bachelor’s degree. Your individual course of study will need to be approved by the programme leader.
You’re enrolled in the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) and need to complete courses to the required academic standard to be invited into the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours).
If you’ve been accepted into the honours programme, any courses you have completed in the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) will be reassigned to the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours).
Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) courses
This semester, you study three courses to further your understanding of physiotherapy practice, as well as one research methods course to prepare you for your dissertation next year.
You complete the following courses:
And one of:
The year will be arranged in four teaching blocks, and you spend the first three blocks completing your final-year clinical practice courses.
In the last teaching block, you then research a topic of your interest in your honours degree dissertation, working closely with your academic supervisor.
You complete the following courses:
Find out how you can enrol in the courses and classes for your programme, whether you’ve just joined AUT as a new student or you’re already studying with us. If you’re looking for a course timetable or more info on a specific course use our course search.
The outcomes for graduates of the Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy) (Honours) are outlined in the Graduate Profile below.
As a graduate of this programme, you’ll meet the preparatory education requirements for registration as a physiotherapist in Australia and New Zealand.
You’ll also have the research and critical thinking skills for further postgraduate study at master’s degree or doctoral level, and to begin a clinical research career.
The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.