Develop the skills to provide excellent midwifery care with AUT's Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery) degree.
AUT’s midwifery degree prepares you for a successful and rewarding career as a midwife, either as a hospital midwife or a lead maternity carer (a self-employed case loading midwife). Study midwifery at AUT's South Campus in Manukau or via distance learning in Northland, Rotorua and Taranaki (through a live online platform and local classes).
Practical experience is a key part of the midwifery programme. You spend more than half of your time in clinical practice, developing the skills to become a confident and competent midwife. Throughout your studies you complete 2,400 practice hours, an experience that reflects the real world of midwifery.
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Applicants with English as a second or other language should have completed at least three years of schooling in New Zealand, or will be required to meet IELTS requirements
See entry requirements for students from other countries. Select your country from the dropdown menu.
Biology, Chemistry, Health, Physical Education, Psychology, Science, Art History, Classical Studies, Drama, English, Geography, Health Education, History, Media Studies, Social Studies, Statistics, Te Reo Māori, Te Reo Rangatira
The Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery) is a four-year (480-point) programme.
In the first semester all students study the same four courses (HEAL504, HEAL505, HEAL506 and HEAL507) to help you develop an in-depth understanding of general healthcare, learning alongside other health science students. You can study these four courses at the North Campus, South Campus or online.
Instead of the course HEAL507 Health and Environment you can also study MAOH501 Hauora Māori and Environment, but do note that this is an on-campus course at the North or South Campus, and you’ll have to attend your classes in person.
Throughout your studies you complete 2,400 practice hours, an experience that reflects the real world of midwifery.
You can find the approximate number of hours you spend on clinical placements below:
Read more about workplace experience in AUT programmes, how it works and why it’s so beneficial when you start your career.
Workplace experience in AUT programmes
Download our study planner to see what your studies could look like in the Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery).
Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery) study planner
Find out how you can enrol in the courses and classes for your programme, whether you’ve just joined AUT as a new student or you’re already studying with us. If you’re looking for a course timetable or more info on a specific course use our course search.
Job opportunities for midwives are good, especially in the Auckland region.
Midwives work in the areas of pregnancy and childbirth, including the first six weeks after childbirth. They are employed
in public hospital services, or set up in practice as a self-employed midwife in the community. Throughout your studies you complete 2,400 practice hours, an experience that reflects the real world of midwifery.
To register as a midwife you will need to meet the requirements of New Zealand's Midwifery Council
The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.