N. Kasabov, J. Hu, E. Tu, M. Othman, M. Doborjeh, S. Marks, N. Sengupta, N. Murli, R. Hartono, I. Espinosa-Ramos, E. Capecci, L. Zhou, F. Alvi, G. Wang, D. Taylor, V. Feigin, S. Gulyaev, M. Mahmoud, Z.-G. Hou, and J. Yang, “Evolving spatio-temporal data machines based on the NeuCube neuromorphic framework: Design methodology and selected applications,” Neural Networks, Special Issue on Neural Network Learning in Big Data, (to appear), 2015.
A. Griffin, T.C. Zorila, and Y. Stylianou, “Improved face-to-face communication using noise reduction and speech intelligibility enhancement,” in Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), April 2015.
M. Mahmoud, A. Ensor, and S. Gulyaev, “Application of middleware technologies to enable radio astronomy eResearch,” in Proc. of eResearch NZ, March 2015.
D. Christie, P. Crosby, A. Ensor, N. Erdody, P. C. Broekema, B. A. do Lago, M. Mahmoud, R. O’Brien, R. Rocha, T. Stevenson, A. St John, J. Taylor, Y. Zhu, and A. Mika, “Compute platform: Software stack developments and considerations,” Tech. Rep. SKA-TEL-SDP-0000020, SKA Office, February 2015.
A. Griffin, A. Alexandridis, D. Pavlidi, Y. Mastorakis, and A. Mouchtaris, “Localizing multiple audio sources in a wireless acoustic sensor network,” Signal Processing, Special Issue on ad hoc Microphone Arrays and Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks, vol. 107, pp. 54–67, February 2015.
C. Y. Kuo, K. Asada, R. Rao, M. Nakamura, J. C. Algaba, H. B. Liu, M. Inoue, P. M. Koch, P. T. P. Ho, S. Matsushita, H.-Y. Pu, K. Akiyama, H. Nishioka, and N. Pradel, “Measuring mass accretion rate onto the supermassive black hole in M87 using faraday rotation measure with the submillimeter array,” The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 783, no. 2, pp. L33, 2014.
M. Inoue, J. C. Algaba-Marcos, K. Asada, R. Blundell, W. Brisken, R. Burgos, C.-C. Chang, M.-T. Chen, S. S. Doeleman, V. Fish, P. Grimes, J. Han, H. Hirashita, P. T. P. Ho, S.-N. Hsieh, T. Huang, H. Jiang, E. Keto, P. M. Koch, D. Y. Kubo, C.-Y. Kuo, B. Liu, P. Martin-Cocher, S. Matsushita, Z. Meyer-Zhao, M. Nakamura, P. Napier, H. Nishioka, G. Nystrom, S. Paine, N. Patel, N. Pradel, H.-Y. Pu, P. A. Raffin, H.-Y. Shen, W. Snow, R. Srinivasan, and T.-S. Wei, “Greenland telescope project: Direct confirmation of black hole with sub-millimeter VLBI,” Radio Science, vol. 49, no. 7, pp. 564–571, 2014.
P. Raffin, J. C. Algaba-Marcosa, K. Asada, R. Blundell, R. Burgos, C.-C. Chang, M.-T. Chen, R. Christensen, P. K. Grimes, C. C. Han, P. T. P. Ho, Y.-D. Huang, M. Inoue, P. M. Koch, D. Kubo, S. Leiker, C.-T. Liu, P. Martin-Cocher, S. Matsushita, M. Nakamura, H. Nishioka, G. Nystrom, S. N. Paine, N. A. Patel, N. Pradel, H.-Y. Pu, H.-Y. Shen, W. Snow, T. K. Sridharan, R. Srinivasan, E. Tong, and J. Wang, “The greenland telescope (GLT): Antenna status and future plans,” in Proc. SPIE, 2014, vol. 9145.
A. Ensor, J. Bunton, TN. Chan, G. Comoretto, L. D’Addario, R. Hasan, S. Lapshev, T. Natusch, B. Radford, and A. St John, “CSP preliminary design review,” Tech. Rep. SKA-TEL-CSP-0000073, SKA Office, December 2014.
R.-S. Lu, V. L. Fish, K. Akiyama, S. S. Doeleman, J. C. Algaba, G. C. Bower, C. Brinkerink, R. Chamberlin, G. Crew, R. J. Cappallo, M. Dexter, R. Freund, P. Friberg, M. A. Gurwell, P. T. P. Ho, M. Honma, M. Inoue, S. G. Jorstad, T. P. Krichbaum, L. Loinard, D. MacMahon, D. P. Marrone, A. P. Marscher, J. M. Moran, R. Plambeck, N. Pradel, R. Primiani, R. P. J. Tilanus, M. Titus, J. Weintroub, M. Wright, K. H. Young, and L. M. Ziurys, “Fine-scale structure of the quasar 3C 279 measured with 1.3 mm very long baseline interferometry,” The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 772, no. 1, pp. 13, 2013.
M. Mahmoud, A. Ensor, A. Biem, B. Elmegreen, and S. Gulyaev, “Data provenance and management in radio astronomy: A stream computing approach,” in Data Provenance and Data Management in eScience, Q. Liu, Q. Bai, S. Giugni, D. Williamson, and J. Taylor, Eds., vol. 426 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, pp. 129–156. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
A. Ensor and S. Hall, “ColourFAST: GPU-based feature point detection and tracking on mobile devices,” in Proc. of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), November 2013, pp. 124–129.
D. Pavlidi, A. Griffin, M. Puigt, and A. Mouchtaris, “Real-time multiple sound source localization and counting using a circular microphone array,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 2193–2206, October 2013.
A. Griffin, A. Mouchtaris, and P. Tsakalides, “Apparatuses, methods and systems for sparse sinusoidal audio processing and transmission,” US Patent 8,489,403, July 2013.
A. Ensor, J. Bunton, B. Carlson, TN. Chan, G. Comoretto, L. DAddario, S. Gulyaev, R. Hasan, G. Kloss, M. Mahmoud, O. Sinnen, and K. Zarb Adami, “SKA1-Survey physical implementation proposal feasibility white paper," in Proposal for the Study, Prototyping, and Design of the SKA Central Signal Processing Element, pp. 979–1016. National Research Council, Canada, June 2013.
A. Alexandridis, A. Griffin, and A. Mouchtaris, “Capturing and reproducing spatial audio based on a circular microphone array,” Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2013, pp. 1–16, February 2013.
A. Ensor and S. Hall, “GPU-based image analysis on mobile devices,” in Proc. of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), November 2011, pp. 203–208.
A. Griffin, T. Hirvonen, C. Tzagkarakis, A. Mouchtaris, and P. Tsakalides, “Single-channel and multi-channel sinusoidal audio coding using compressed sensing,” IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1382–1395, July 2011.
T. Agrawal, V. Lakkundi, A. Griffin, and P. Tsakalides, “Compressed sensing for OFDM UWB systems,” in Proc. of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Jan 2011, pp. 190–193.
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