Become an industry partner in engineering, computer and mathematical sciences

Partner with AUT to access top ICT and engineering talent, share your passion and help shape the future of computing and engineering. AUT’s School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences is proud of its strong industry links, and always looking for new opportunities to partner with industry organisations.

Build your future workforce today - enquire today

Ready to engage with talented students?

Whether you have a final-year project idea, internship opportunities or want to build your brand on campus, share your details and let's explore how we can work together.

Why partner with AUT

  • Gain access to top ICT and engineering talent
  • Raise your organisation’s brand awareness in the eyes of future employees and customers
  • Partner with us in shaping the educational future of the field

AUT is New Zealand's fastest growing university, with the second largest group of engineering and computer science graduates. Our 14 research centres and world-class facilities help students gain practical and theoretical skills; making us a leading choice for technical education in New Zealand.

How you can partner with us

By sponsoring a student project, and submitting a research and development project outline for our final-year students, you're supporting our emerging tech professionals.

This gives you access to fresh ideas and additional resources in the field of computing. You gain access to a pool of talented computing students for future job openings.

Student projects start in early March and early August each year.

Find out more about sponsoring student projects

View student project showcases

Explore our engineering, computer and mathematical sciences final-year project showcases to get an insight into the range of recent projects undertaken by our talented students.

This series of 50-minute employer presentations on campus gives your organisation the opportunity to engage with keen students, share insights about your company and promote the opportunities your organisation has on offer.

You can be as creative as you wish! Light refreshments (including pizza or sushi), giveaways and post-session quiz sessions with prizes are all most welcome.

We can work with you to find a room during the semester to book your team in at a time that works best for you.

How to register

To secure your 2025 presentation slot, email Leanne Bint at

This annual event enables you to meet ICT and engineering students and grow your talent pipeline.

Promote your company's career opportunities, internships and graduate programmes to this key target audience.

Event details

AUT ICT and Engineering Careers Fair
Thursday 27 March 2025, 11am-1pm
AUT City Campus

Register now

Is your organisation looking for talented female interns or graduates? AUT supports women studying technology subjects and helps them pursue the numerous and varied career opportunities technology degrees provide.

If your organisation is interested in providing resources to support technology female initiatives, events or scholarships, we would like to hear from you.

Get in touch to support female STEM students

Contact Leanne Bint at

The AUT STEM Women club is led by AUT students, and aims to encourage, support and provide a tight community and an effective networking forum for women who are studying in STEM fields.

To help them succeed in their vision we're seeking:

  • Female industry speakers during both university semesters
  • Sponsorship for catering at these industry networking events
  • Items for students goodie bags and prizes

Get in touch to support female STEM students

Contact Leanne Bint at

Academic excellence awards are held in early December at the end of the university year to acknowledge top AUT students and graduands who have achieved high levels of academic success.

The event is an enjoyable evening for prize winners, their families, partners and friends, our dedicated staff and our colleagues, and sponsors from industry who can share in the recognition and success of our winning students.

We welcome your interest in being a sponsor for these awards in early December 2025. There may be a particular area of interest or discipline your organisation is interested in sponsoring.

Typically, the value of industry prizes is $1,000 upward. Students are extremely grateful for your support in this area.

Get in touch to sponsor this event

Contact Leanne Bint at

Other ways to share your passion with future customers and employees

  • Guest lecture in an area of your expertise
  • Join our industry advisory committee
  • Sponsor student events or clubs
  • Participate in events

Watch: How student projects drive industry innovation

Contact us

Leanne Bint
External Relations and Development
+64 9 921 9999 ext 5159

Student projects

Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Leanne Bint
Manager, External Engagement and Wellbeing

Tanya Pleshkova
Business Development Manager

Master of Analytics
Dr Victor Miranda
Master of Analytics Industry Liaison

Master of IT Project Management
Dr Samaneh Madanian
Programme Director