Shadow a Leader

The Shadow a Leader programme invites New Zealand’s organisation leaders to provide an opportunity for an AUT business and law student and an Auckland secondary school student to ‘shadow’ them.

It's an innovative, industry-focused and educational initiative to support the development of future leaders of New Zealand.

Benefits of the Shadow a Leader programme

  • For organisation leaders: an opportunity to share stories and insights into their organisations
  • For students: an invaluable experience to spend a day in the professional world, exposing them to the skills and attributes to navigate a successful career in their chosen field

How it works

Teams of three

Each team consists of:

  • An organisation leader
  • An AUT Faculty of Business, Economics and Law student
  • A secondary school student

Organisation leaders are invited at the end of February to register their interest and select the day in the Shadow a Leader week that best suits their schedule. New organisations wanting to register are welcome to email the partnerships manager on

AUT students studying business and law are invited to apply for a placement, taking into consideration their GPA, their final year of study in either undergraduate or postgraduate programmes, participation or being in leadership roles in student clubs, and recommendations by academics.

For the secondary school students, each student is nominated by their teachers or career advisor for showcasing leadership capability in conjunction with academic ability. These may include those students managing successful Young Enterprise Scheme initiatives.

What happens on the day

Shadow a Leader is offered for one week only with organisations locking in only one day in this week that suits their flexible working environment and availability. The agenda for the day is arranged by the organisation leader and may include strategy meetings, sales meetings, site visits, factory tours, HR consultation, product manufacturing, board meetings and senior staff meetings.

The student teams are given full independence to navigate their way to the location, present themselves to the leader and connect with their ‘buddy’. All participating students will be advised of which day they're attending their ‘Shadow a Leader’ day, details of the location (building floor and address), meet up time, contact information and any special requirements.


Feedback from participants

Between 24 June and 27 June 2024, student teams joined various organisations across Auckland for a one-day experience. See feedback from some of the participants below.

AUT students

Emma Evans,
Bachelor of Business
Shadowed Fujifilm Business Innovation

“One of the main highlights of my experience was having the opportunity to visit each department and speak with several department managers within the company to understand the different roles. I also got to see the warehouse, explore the various types of printers they offer, and learn about how the business has evolved over the years and adapted to change. It was also fun to have the chance to disassemble a printer to understand its operation.”

Riyaadh Afroz,
Bachelor of Business
Shadowed Foodstuffs North Island

“It was incredible. Seeing how Lindsay communicates with his staff and conducts a meeting. Meeting so many interesting people throughout the team and getting a detailed tour of the distribution centre was really valuable. Getting to see all the theories and topics we learned in my management major play out in real life was really cool too.”

Alison Koch,
Bachelor of Business
Shadowed Foundation North

“My highlight was getting to talk to the leaders of the organisation and experience first-hand how they all interact and lead the organisation. Foundation North is founded on Te Reo Māori values, so it felt more like a family than a traditional workplace. Talking to the Head of Finance, Alex, was a delight as we discussed the future of finance in NZ.”

Ashlee Nagra,
Bachelor of Business
Shadowed Fisher & Paykel Healthcare

“The highlight of my Shadow a Leader was learning about the different roles marketers have. I learnt that B2B marketing expands beyond social media and digital marketing campaigns, with marketers even having product development roles that focused on ensuring the product meets the demands of the buyer and the user. This was a valuable learning experience as it opened my eyes to marketing roles I did not previously know existed, which has made me even more passionate about pursuing a career in marketing!”

Dannah Ansley,
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Laws
Shadowed K3 Legal

“(A highlight was) meeting various lawyers and hearing the different experiences they had in each area of law they practiced. I also received meaningful and practical advice that would benefit me beyond my studies, especially my personal development.”

Secondary school students

Lucia Butler,
Marist College
Shadowed Gilbert Walker

“The highlight of my Shadow a Leader experience was learning about the day-to-day inner workings of a law firm, including sitting in on client meetings, visiting a High Court hearing, and listening to presentations from the staff about their experiences working at the firm, and the international opportunities in law. I also felt that I was able to better understand the types of law that are practiced, most significantly, litigation, and the disputes, claims, and processes that accompany a career in litigation.”

Horatio Dobson,
Glenfield College
Shadowed Aurecon

“Meeting the other members involved in the Shadow a Leader experience helped me settle quite easily as I knew that I wasn't the only one going through this new experience. Another highlight was meeting the AMAZING team that showed us around the huge campus and introduced us to the company and the things they believed in.”

Caitlin Wallbank,
Kelston Girls’ College
Shadowed Spectrum Care

“I have taken away a lot from this experience and have learnt more about the importance of empathy and gratitude. This experience has opened my eyes to marketing in a charity environment and has expanded my knowledge of business.”

Danielle Dazo,
One Tree Hill College
Shadowed ADR Centre

“I especially enjoyed the 'Ask Anything' section, where we were able to ask any questions we had about law school or careers in law. The person we were asking, Samantha Shanks, was a younger lawyer and was able to connect with me as a Year 13 student. I also found her very down to earth, and eased some tensions about the challenges I will face in the future.”

Alessandra Sng,
Rangitoto College
Shadowed Microsoft

“The Shadow a Leader experience was absolutely amazing. There was so much insight and advice that I gained. Everything would be considered a highlight. The way that Microsoft ran the day was extremely well thought out and in a way that everyone in the Shadow a Leader programme gained so much information. The PowerPoints that were presented were incredibly informative and educational. The people that we met were definitely a highlight as they each explained their roles, their journey to their positions and were overall incredibly kind. I gained valuable connections and overall had an amazing experience.”

Kisha Anne Apdian,
Glenfield College
Shadowed Financial Markets Authority

“The highlight of my Shadow a Leader experience is being able to have the opportunity to meet the different managing head of the different departments under the Financial Marketing Authority and learn their roles, interest, academic courses, and their growing interest to choose this path. I learned about the intricate roles they play in steering their respective teams, managing complex projects, and making strategic decisions that align with the broader goals of the Financial Marketing Authority.”

Organisation leaders

Natasha Wadia,
Associate Product Manager – Fisher & Paykel Healthcare

“I really enjoyed being able to showcase the ways I adapt my tertiary learning to my current corporate role. It's great experience for the students to get exposure to multiple departments within our business, including a manufacturing line tour. It is great to see the students fascinated in the work we do and our campus; we received feedback that it exceeded their expectations, which is wonderful to hear.”

Farquhar Somerville,
General Manager of Property – Dilworth Trust Board

“(The highlights were) the level of engagement/interest shown by the participants (questions asked), the level of pre-attendance reading about the organisation undertaken, and the polite and courteous manner of the participants.”

Simone Tune,
Legal Counsel – Te Whatu Ora

“The whole day was a highlight! The two students were wonderfully confident and friendly and seemed genuinely excited by everything I had to offer them. They were an absolute joy!  It was a fantastic day. Thank you SO much for the opportunity to be involved with this wonderful programme.”

Louisa Kraitzick,
Partner – PeadPR

“I was glad we had a big group of students; it was lovely to see them bounce off each other and all get different things out of the sessions we put on.”

Justin Walsh,
Communications Manager – Spectrum Care

“It was great to host the students for the day and I’m very glad they felt it was a worthwhile experience. I was impressed with them both and have no doubt they’ll go on to great things. I wish them the very best for their future endeavours.”

Contact us

For more information on how to get involved, contact:

Nirisha Niranjan
Partnerships Manager
Phone: +64 9 921 9999 ext 5809
Mobile: +64 21 07 00 901

Melanie Barr
Director Student, Business and Community Partnerships
Phone: +64 9 921 9999 ext 9336

Download our brochure

Shadow a leader brochure cover

Our brochure has more great information about Shadow a Leader and what to expect from the programme.


James Tapp