Master of Visual Arts

Interested in postgraduate study in visual arts? The Master of Visual Arts is an interdisciplinary research degree for creative professionals.

This postgraduate art and design degree is highly flexible and caters for visual arts graduates and students from a variety of other creative backgrounds. You can tailor your studies to suit your art practice and professional interests.

You'll work within our supportive visual arts studio environment where you'll be involved in group discussions and critique of each other’s work. You have access to individual studio spaces, supervisory support and well-equipped specialist art and design facilities. Your design research will contribute to diverse and emerging dialogues around visual arts and creative practice.

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Minimum entry requirements

  • Bachelor of Visual Arts or equivalent with a B grade average or higher in the courses at level 7 or above
  • In exceptional circumstances, an applicant who does not meet the requirements above, but who has an appropriate combination of academic and professional experience may be considered for admission

International student entry requirements

Other requirements

  • Applicants may be required to submit a portfolio of work and attend a selection interview

Admission is based on the submission of a proposal outlining the territory of exploration, and the nature of the project to be undertaken by the applicant. It is useful and usual for potential applicants to make an appointment to discuss their interests, before submitting their proposal.

English language requirements

  • IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with all bands 6.0 or higher; or equivalent

English language requirements

Download application documents

As part of this programme you complete a 120-point thesis, which can be either a practice-based or a more theoretical research project in an area of visual arts. You also develop an understanding of research methods and ethics, and complete a number of elective courses.

Specialist research areas in the Master of Visual Arts include:

  • Craft practices
  • Drawing
  • Installation
  • Interactive technologies
  • Lens-based
  • Moving Image
  • Painting
  • Participatory practices
  • Photography
  • Printmaking
  • Performance
  • Social art practices
  • Sound
  • Sculpture
  • Temporal practices
  • Video

Year 1

Semester 1 courses

Semester 2 course

Enrolment in a thesis is subject to achieving at least a B- average in coursework courses and approval of research proposal.

Year 2

Semester 1 course

Elective courses

2025 elective course offerings

The following courses are not offered in 2025

Study planner for this programme

Download our study planner to see in which semester courses are offered and what your studies could look like in the Master of Visual Arts.

Master of Visual Arts study planner

Ready to enrol in your courses?

Find out how you can enrol in the courses and classes for your programme, whether you’ve just joined AUT as a new student or you’re already studying with us. If you’re looking for a course timetable or more info on a specific course use our course search.

Enrol now

More details about courses in the Master of Visual Arts

Email the Postgraduate Coordinator

Enrolment in courses is subject to meeting all requirements and availability of courses.

Student work

Check out a selection of award-winning student work from Master of Visual Arts students.

student work
Theo Macdonald, ‘Terrestrial Chains’
student work
Marijke de Jong, ‘Did they have to be quiet?’
student work
Isabella Dampney, ‘A Child of Divorce’

Master of Visual Arts gallery

Artists within Master of Visual Arts courses at AUT Another artist at AUT An artist at AUT Art at AUT More art at AUT Art exhibition by AUTs students Another piece of Mark's exhibition at AUT Mark exhibits his work at AUT Art exhibition at AUT Linda T exhibits art pieces Linda's art work at AUT
Quick facts
Programme code:
1.5 years full-time, up to 3 years part-time
City Campus
23 Feb 2026

Key semester dates
$11,220 (for 120 points)
($10,028 tuition fees + $1,192 student services levy)
$46,092 (for 120 points)
($44,900 tuition fees + $1,192 student services levy)
  • Fees shown are based on a full-time workload for the points indicated next to the fee. The exact fee charged will depend on which courses you select at the time of enrolment.
  • Fees are subject to change year to year. If you are planning for study beyond the current year, fees may vary from those stated.
  • There may also be other fees and charges you need to pay.
  • International students' tuition fees reflect the full cost of tuition. Domestic students' tuition fees are less due to a proportion of the tuition fees being funded by the New Zealand Government.


The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.