Bachelor of Construction

Want a career as a construction manager or a quantity surveyor? Study the Bachelor of Construction at AUT.

AUT’s Bachelor of Construction aims to equip students with robust and industry relevant skills for careers as either construction managers or as quantity surveyors in the local and global construction industry. Both roles are vital for the construction industry. The degree emphasises the capabilities required by the construction sector, and graduates will be well prepared for future roles in the construction industry.

The RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) accreditation for the Bachelor of Construction is scheduled for the end of 2024. Graduates of this programme will be eligible for RICS accreditation if they successfully complete a Bachelor of Construction major and the Professional Practice minor. As part of your degree, you also have the option to pursue courses from a second minor or elective courses.

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Minimum entry requirements for the Bachelor of Construction

If you have New Zealand qualifications

If you have qualifications from another country

See entry requirements for students from other countries. Select your country from the dropdown menu.

English language requirements

  • IELTS (Academic) 6.0 overall with all bands 5.5 or higher; or equivalent.

English language requirements

Useful New Zealand school subjects

Mathematics (with stats or calculus), Science, Business and Management, Digital Technologies, Economics, Legal Studies, Design, Visual Communication, Construction and Mechanical Technologies

The Bachelor of Construction is a three-year degree that prepares you for a career in the construction industry. In addition to completing all your courses, you also need to do a minimum of 600 hours of planned supervised work experience to graduate.

To graduate with a Bachelor of Construction you need to complete:

Core courses (120 points)

These are courses all students in this degree need to take. They give you a basic understanding of construction processes and practices. Your core courses include the Construction Integration Specialisation Project; an interdisciplinary project you complete in your final year, working either individually or in teams to propose, organise, design, plan and execute a construction project.

Your chosen major (120 points)

Your major is the subject area you want to specialise in. This makes up one third of your degree, and usually consists of eight courses related to your chosen subject. You can view the list of majors in this degree in the ‘Majors’ tab.

Professional Practice minor (60 points)

To prepare you for your career in the construction industry, you'll also study the Professional Practice minor which helps you become familiar with work practices, construction processes, and leadership and people management in construction organisations.

The Professional Practice minor is a smaller subject you specialise in and consists of four courses.

A second minor or elective courses (60 points)

You also complete another minor from either the Bachelor of Construction or another degree at AUT. Instead of this second minor you could also choose elective courses.

View minor options from different AUT degrees

Your major is the subject area you want to specialise in within the Bachelor of Construction.

Majors in the Bachelor of Construction

Carla Matabilas
Althea Mercado
Kayde Huang
Alissa Nash
Nick Bycroft
Quick facts
Programme code:
3 years full-time / part-time available
City Campus
21 Jul 2025
23 Feb 2026
13 Jul 2026

Key semester dates
$8,918 (for 120 points)
($7,726 tuition fees + $1,192 student services levy)
$45,692 (for 120 points)
($44,500 tuition fees + $1,192 student services levy)
  • Fees shown are based on a full-time workload for the points indicated next to the fee. The exact fee charged will depend on which courses you select at the time of enrolment.
  • Fees are subject to change year to year. If you are planning for study beyond the current year, fees may vary from those stated.
  • There may also be other fees and charges you need to pay.
  • International students' tuition fees reflect the full cost of tuition. Domestic students' tuition fees are less due to a proportion of the tuition fees being funded by the New Zealand Government.
  • Fees-free study may be available for domestic students


The information on this page was correct at time of publication. For a comprehensive overview of AUT qualifications, please refer to the Academic Calendar.