Sport and Exercise Science

It’s well recognised that participation in sport and exercise is important for health and wellbeing as well as sports performance.

Find out more about the effect of sport and exercise on the human body and human performance. You can focus on athletic conditioning, exercise physiology or sports biomechanics, and learn how to create exercise programmes based on people’s individual needs.

Major must include

120 points from the courses below, with at least 60 points at level 6 and 45 points at level 7.

Level 5 courses

Level 6 courses

Level 7 courses

Minor must include

60 points from the courses in one of the combinations below with at least 15 points at level 7.

You can choose to focus on one of three pathways: athletic conditioning, exercise physiology or sport biomechanics.

Athletic conditioning courses

Exercise physiology courses

Sport biomechanics courses