School leaver scholarships

It’s an exciting time – you’re about to finish school and are thinking about what’s next. If you’re considering university study in your future, you could apply for a range of school leaver scholarships to support your studies at AUT, no matter where in New Zealand you come from or what your background is.

Find out more about the different scholarships you can apply for to support you financially while you settle into university study and this exciting new time in your life.

AUT scholarships for school leavers

If you’re joining AUT from secondary school, there are many scholarships you can apply for. Check the information below for details.

Scholarships you can still apply for

These scholarships are for students who are the first in their family aiming to complete a university degree. First-in-family normally means that neither of the applicant’s birth parents has successfully completed a degree level qualification.

Applications open: 1 November 2024
Closing date: 30 June 2025

Application Form

Our scholarships database lists all the scholarships above and many others including the Rainbow New Zealand Charitable Trust scholarships for those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

Search for Undergraduate (1st year) to find scholarships for your first year of study at AUT and beyond.


Scholarships that have already closed

These scholarships are for students from both the Auckland area and beyond who want to study at AUT but are facing financial barriers by offering financial assistance and ongoing non-financial support.

Applications open: 1 July 2024
Closing date: 30 September 2024

Application Form

The Office of Māori Advancement provides accommodation scholarships to support Māori students living in approved AUT accommodation.

Applications open: 1 July 2024
Closing date: 30 September 2024, 11.55pm
Value of scholarship: $12,000 in the first year of study (paid direct to AUT accommodation to contribute towards your rent)

Application Form

To help with the transition from school to uni, our three-year AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarships recognise students' academic achievement, potential leadership skills and contribution to their school or community, cultural pursuits or sport at a representative level. These scholarships reflect our commitment to creating great graduates and are nationally contestable.

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarships are offered in four categories for study starting in 2025:

  • Academic Excellence
    Awarded to students demonstrating leadership through academic excellence
  • All Rounder
    Awarded to academically able students demonstrating leadership through achievement at a high level in school, sporting, cultural pursuits or community involvement
  • Hiki Ake (Lift Up)
    Awarded to academically able students who can demonstrate leadership potential and are experiencing barriers to undertaking tertiary study
  • Kiwa (Māori and Pacific Students)
    Awarded to academically able students demonstrating leadership potential who register with either Māori or Pacific ethnicity in the AUT student management system (Arion)

Applicants will be considered in all categories for which they're eligible.

Applications open: 1 June 2024
Closing date:
1 September 2024

Application Form

University education can be financially demanding – but the benefits are considerable. To encourage students who are facing financial barriers to undertake tertiary studies, we’re offering a unique scholarship package that includes both financial and other support to help students to succeed.


Moving to Auckland for university can be scary. To help with this change, the three-year AUT Welcome to Auckland scholarship makes a contribution towards accommodation and study fees. These scholarships are for high-achieving secondary school students living outside of Auckland who plan to start an AUT bachelor’s degree from 2025.

Applications open: 1 June 2024
Closing date:
1 September 2024

Not sure if your permanent address is within the Auckland region?

Application Form

Meet some of our scholarship recipients

You can see some of our scholarship recipients below. To read their inspiring stories simply click on the person you want to know more about.


Avalon Martin

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship

Bachelor of Design

Carla Matabilas

AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship

Bachelor of Construction

Rachel Suesue

Keir Trust Study Award and AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship

Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)

Danielle Reeves

AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship

Bachelor of Science

Helena Sanderson

AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship

Bachelor of Science

Kenza Taele

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship

Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy)

Sona Patel

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship

Bachelor of Education

Ivy Lyden-Hancy

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship

Bachelor of Arts

Why choose AUT for your studies

AUT is one of the world’s best modern universities, with 250 programmes and more than 150,000 alumni all over the world. Study with us and you’ll join New Zealand’s most diverse and vibrant university, and we’ll help you develop the skills to make a positive impact.



Applying for scholarships

Not sure how to get started with your scholarship application? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered, so make sure you check out our info on applying for scholarships.


Info for school leavers

Finishing secondary school and starting uni is an exciting time, but it’s also a big life change. It's okay – we’re with you every step of the way to help make that transition smoother.


Check if you’re eligible for an AUT scholarship

Most of the scholarships you can apply for ask for a specific rank score. To calculate your NCEA or CIE rank score, use our rank score calculator:

How we support scholarship students

As the recipient of an AUT school leaver scholarship you have access to an extensive programme of support including:

  • A special scholars’ welcome at Orientation
  • Professional development and networking opportunities
  • One-on-one support throughout the year

Your scholarship may include AUT accommodation

AUT Accommodation

Some of our scholarships include accommodation in Te Āhuru Mayoral Drive Student Accommodation at the City Campus. It’s modern, social and friendly – and a great way to meet new people and make the most of studying at AUT.


Student life at AUT

friends on campus

Explore what life’s like at AUT, the support you can get while you’re studying at AUT and all the amazing things you could do as an AUT student.