Tips for applying for AUT scholarships

Thinking about applying for an AUT scholarship but not sure how to get started? Read our tips for applying for university scholarships – from how to stay organised to how to write strong personal statements for your scholarship essay.

Scholarship tips to help with your application

Don't wait until the last minute! It’s a good idea to start researching and preparing your scholarship application well before the deadline.

Make a list of the scholarships that align with your interests, goals and academic achievements, and keep track of any requirements, deadlines and documents you need.

Make sure you understand all the eligibility criteria and terms for each scholarship:

  • Is it a one-off payment or ongoing support?
  • Does the scholarship include accommodation?
  • Do you need to maintain a specific grade point average?
  • Are there employment conditions when you graduate?

Consider setting up a spreadsheet or other document to stay on top of any scholarships you plan to apply for.

Don't just apply for one scholarship. Increase your chances by applying for multiple scholarships you’re eligible for.

Don’t forget about scholarships from government organisations or private companies, in addition to scholarships offered by the university.

Where to look for scholarships to apply for

Below are some of the useful websites and resources that list university scholarships:

*Free access for AUT students through the AUT library

Prepare all the supporting documents you need to supply with your application, for example academic transcripts, reference letters and personal statements.

Make sure your documents:

  • Are up to date
  • Highlight your achievements and strengths

If you need to include references from your teachers or others in the community, ask your referees for these testimonials a few weeks before the application deadline to give them enough time.

Tell them more about the scholarships you’re applying for, so they can align their testimonial with the scholarship goals.

Most scholarship applications include a personal statement. This is your chance to highlight:

  • Your strengths
  • Achievements
  • Future goals
  • Your motivation for studying your chosen programme

Draft this carefully in a separate document before attaching it to your scholarship application.

Tailor this statement for each scholarship you apply for and talk about how your goals align with the scholarship aims.

Include any community involvement, volunteer work or other organisations you’re part of to help your application stand out.

More do’s and don’ts for personal statements

Your scholarship application may be rejected if you don’t follow the specific instructions exactly.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Have you included all the information asked for?
  • Is your contact information correct?
  • Is it clear how the scholarship aligns with your goals?

Write your application in a draft first, so you can make all the changes you want before you submit.

Before you submit your application, proofread it carefully. Are there any spelling errors? What about grammatical errors?

Check your statement again the day after you wrote it. By checking the next day, you’ll likely notice things that you might have missed the day before.

It’s also a great idea to ask someone else to proofread your application as well.

Take note of the application deadlines for each scholarship and submit your application well before the due date.

Late applications are generally not accepted, so it’s important to plan ahead and be organised.

Tips from some of our scholarship recipients

Kenza Taele

Kenza Taele

AUT Find your Greatness Scholarship
Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy)
“When applying for scholarships, I think it’s important that you show yourself off. Highlight the things that make you special. Tell them about your fantastic ideas, your big hopes and dreams about the future. You want to make your name shine amongst the rest.”
Rachel Suesue

Rachel Suesue

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship & Keir Trust Study Award
Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)
“I recommend applying for as many scholarships as you can. AUT and organisations like Te Whatu Ora provide numerous scholarships that can greatly benefit your studies. Scholarships can alleviate the burden of student debt, giving you more financial freedom to focus on your studies.”
Vajk Peter

Vajk Peter

AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship
Bachelor of Design Te Tohu Paetahi mō te Hoahoa in Industrial Design
“Stop procrastinating and just apply. My scholarship has supported me greatly with my studies and with the move to Auckland. Because it contributed to my first-year accommodation costs at Te Āhuru Mayoral Drive Student Accommodation and to my course fees, it lifted a lot of stress off my shoulders.”
Sona Patel

Sona Patel

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship
Bachelor of Education (Primary Teaching)
“Just apply for everything you qualify for. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Through this scholarship I’ve been able to relieve the financial burden, which enables me to focus more on my studies and less on how to pay for them.”
Avalon Martin

Avalon Martin

AUT Find your Greatness Scholarship
Bachelor of Design Te Tohu Paetahi mō te Hoahoa in Industrial Design
“Ensure you articulate any individual responsibilities you’ve been involved with during secondary school, and emphasise how the financial support will enable you to fully engage in your academic and extracurricular pursuits, ultimately contributing to your personal and professional growth.”
Chloe Vos

Chloe Vos

AUT Find your Greatness Scholarship
Bachelor of Business
“My scholarship took a lot of the financial strain away from attending university and means I won’t be leaving university with a huge student loan weighing on my shoulders. I’d highly recommend to anyone wanting to attend university to apply for as many scholarships as possible because you never know, you may get it!”
Ledwina Katuke

Ledwina Katuke

AUT Find Your Greatness Scholarship & Woolf Fisher First-in-Family AUT Scholarship
Bachelor of Health Science
“Applying for a scholarship is an opportunity I encourage everyone to go for. My scholarships have alleviated the financial pressures, enabling me to focus entirely on my studies. The scholarships team has also provided the best support and communications.”
Danielle Reeves

Danielle Reeves

AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
“If you’re writing a cover letter, you should put in the time and effort to perfect it. This is important as it may just be the deciding factor for achieving the scholarship or not. Effort is always apparent in these situations.”

Your personal statement: scholarship essay do’s and don’ts


  • Highlight your uniqueness
  • Share personal stories and specific details
  • Grab your readers' attention with your introduction
  • Write in your own voice
  • Be positive
  • Showcase your achievements
  • Show your passion for your study/career goal
  • Explain how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals
  • Include your vision for the future


  • Be generic without using concrete examples
  • Copy and paste the same statement for different scholarship applications
  • Rely completely on AI to write your statement - AI responses tend to be fairly generic
  • Exaggerate or make up stories
  • Ignore instructions
  • Forget to proofread
  • Miss the application deadline

How to apply for AUT scholarships

applying for scholarships

Not sure how to get started with your scholarship application? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered, so make sure you check out our info on applying for scholarships.


Contact the AUT Scholarships Office

Get in touch with AUT’s Scholarship Office if you have a general scholarship enquiry or want to ask specific questions about your scholarship application.

Phone +64 9 921 9837