Fee refunds

You may be entitled to a refund if you change your programme of study, withdraw from your programme or transfer to another institution. If you haven't paid your fees yet and need to change your application to study at AUT, you still need to withdraw from your programme as you will remain liable for your fees.

The following information is a guide. To see our full fees and refunds protocol refer to the AUT Calendar section on Payment and Refund of Fees.

Payment and Refund of Fees (AUT Calendar)

Domestic students: requesting a fee refund

You can make changes to the courses or majors in an AUT programme, or change or withdraw from a programme after you've been invoiced for it. View our instructions for how to make changes.

If you withdraw from individual courses or your whole programme of study, the following rules apply to fees. You can check your cancellation deadline date for courses (100% refund) in My Enrolments on My AUT by clicking on an individual course.

Change of application

Enrolment status


Admin charge

Result recorded

Completed less than 10% of course duration




No result recorded

Completed between 10% and 75% of course duration




Withdrawn result recorded

After 75% of course
duration completed




Did not complete result recorded

If you have not yet paid your fees

If you have enrolled in a programme of study but have not yet paid your fees, you will remain liable for your fees unless you withdraw before the end of the refund period outlined above.

  • Email the required documents (in PDF format) to feesandenrolments@aut.ac.nz and don't forget to include your student ID number and full name in the subject line of your email
  • Remember to include confirmation of your bank account details, showing account holder name and account number (like a bank statement or screenshot of account details). Note: Please do not provide credit card details as refunds can only be processed to bank account
  • You can also submit the completed form and required documents to the Student Hub

Download the Fee Refund Form

  • Refunds are paid directly into a bank account
  • Refunds can take up to 14 days to appear in the nominated bank account
  • Refunds to StudyLink are automatically identified by AUT - you don't necessarily need to do anything

To change your programme of study you need to:

  • Submit a request through the Course and Programme Amendment form

Changing your programme, course or major (student website)

To transfer to another tertiary institution you need to:

  • Make an application to your faculty
  • State your reasons for transfer
  • Supply proof of acceptance from the new institution

Any refund will be calculated on a 'pro rata' basis dependent on the length of course.

International students: requesting a fee refund

To transfer to another institution you must:

  • Prove that you have satisfied the Immigration New Zealand requirements regarding your visa;
  • Have a valid of offer of place from the institution you want to transfer to

Date of refund request

Enrolment status

Refund due

Administration charges

Academic result

More than 7 days before the start of the programme


100% (less administration charges)


No result recorded

From 7 days prior to the start of the programme and less than 10% of the programme duration completed


90% (less administration charges)


No result recorded

From 10% of the programme duration completed  and up to 75% of programme duration completed




Withdrawn result recorded

After 75% of programme duration completed




Did not complete result recorded

If you have not yet paid your fees

If you have enrolled in a programme of study but have not yet paid your fees, you will remain liable for your fees unless you withdraw before the end of the refund period outlined above.

  • Email the refund form and required documents (in PDF format) to feesandenrolments@aut.ac.nz and don't forget to include your student ID number and full name in the subject line of your email
  • Ensure Refund form section 4 (if payment remitted from any NZ bank account and section 5 (if payment remitted from overseas bank account) are completed in full
  • Remember to provide confirmation of your bank account details, showing account holder name and account number (like a bank statement or screenshot of account details). Note: Please do not provide credit card details as refunds can only be processed to bank accounts.
  • You can also submit the refund form and required documents to the Student Hub

Download International Student Refund Form

To change your programme of study you need to:

  • Submit a request through the Course and Programme Amendment form
  • As an international student, you need to apply for a new student visa once this process is complete

Changing your programme, course or major (student website)

To withdraw from individual courses you must:

  • Prove to AUT that you have satisfied the Immigration New Zealand requirements regarding your visa

Date of refund request

Enrolment status

Refund due

Administration charges

Academic result

More than 7 days before the start of the course



The greater of: $NZ50; or $NZ10 per course

No result recorded

From 7 days prior to the start of the course and less than 10% of the course duration completed



The greater of: $NZ50; or $NZ10 per course

No result recorded

From 10% of the course duration completed  and up to 75% of course duration completed




Withdrawn result recorded

After 75% of course duration completed




Did not complete result recorded