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Qualification Table of Courses
Graduate Certificate in Science
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Level 5
Code Description Points
MATH505 Algebra and Calculus I 15.00
MATH502 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 15.00
STAT500 Applied Statistics 15.00
ENVS501 Biodiversity 15.00
CONS500 Biodiversity 15.00
CHEM502 Biological and Solution Chemistry 15.00
BIOL501 Biological Sampling and Interpretation 15.00
SCIE503 Biophysics 15.00
CHEM500 Chemistry in Our World 15.00
SOSC585 Climate Action 15.00
ECOL501 Ecology and Evolution 15.00
ENVS502 Environmental Science Skills 15.00
FOOD502 Food Science 15.00
FOOD503 Food Technology 15.00
BIOL500 Foundations of Life 15.00
MAOH501 Hauora Māori 15.00
HEAL507 Health and Environment 15.00
MELS501 Histology and Cytology 15.00
HEAL505 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 15.00
ENVS523 Human Geography 15.00
BMED500 Introduction to Biomedical Science 15.00
EPMY501 Introduction to Epidemiology 15.00
MASC500 Introduction to Marine Science 15.00
COMP505 Introduction to Programming 15.00
PSYC501 Introduction to Psychology A 15.00
PSYC580 Introduction to Psychology A 15.00
PSYC502 Introduction to Psychology B 15.00
ASTR500 Introductory Astronomy 15.00
MATH504 Introductory Mathematics for Science 15.00
STAT502 Introductory Probability and Statistics 15.00
HEAL506 Knowledge, Enquiry and Communication 15.00
DIGD507 Mahitahi | Collaborative Practices 15.00
GESC500 Mapping Our Environment 15.00
MASC501 Marine Science Techniques 15.00
MATH503 Mathematics for Computing 15.00
MICR501 Microbial Life 15.00
COMP504 Networks and Internet 15.00
COMP503 Object Oriented Programming 15.00
EASC500 Our Dynamic Earth 15.00
ENVS522 Our Dynamic Earth 15.00
ENVS503 Our Total Environment 15.00
BIOL502 Plants and Animals 15.00
CHEM501 Principles of Chemistry 15.00
COMP500 Programming Concepts and Techniques 15.00
SCIE504 Science and Society 15.00
Level 6
Code Description Points
PSYC601 Abnormal Psychology 15.00
MATH605 Algebra and Calculus II 15.00
COMP611 Algorithm Design and Analysis 15.00
SCIE604 Anaesthesia III 15.00
CHEM604 Analytical Chemistry 15.00
BIOL604 Aquaculture 15.00
ASTR601 Astrophysics and Space Science 15.00
CHEM602 Biochemistry 15.00
ENVS622 Biogeography 15.00
MASC601 Biology of Marine Organisms 15.00
BIOL602 Biology of Marine Organisms 15.00
PSYC605 Brain and Behaviour 15.00
GENE603 Cells, Genes and Molecules 15.00
MELS611 Clinical and Chemical Pathology 15.00
PSYC681 Cognitive Psychology 15.00
COMP613 Combinatorics and Graph Theory 15.00
MICR603 Communicable Diseases 15.00
COMP612 Computer Graphics Programming 15.00
EASC600 Concepts in Earth System Science 15.00
CONS621 Conservation Planning 15.00
CHEM686 Coordination Chemistry 15.00
COMP610 Data Structures and Algorithms 15.00
BIOL601 Deep Sea Biology 15.00
CONS600 Ecology and Evolution 15.00
ECOL603 Ecology Concepts I 15.00
ECOL604 Ecology Concepts II 15.00
ENVS604 Environmental Assessment and Monitoring 15.00
ENVS605 Environmental Cycles and Flows 15.00
HPRO600 Environmental Health 15.00
ENVS603 Environmental Health 15.00
ENVS601 Environmental Law 15.00
MICR601 Environmental Microbiology 15.00
ENVS606 Environmental Pressures, Threats and Risks 15.00
ENVS602 Environmental Risk Assessment 15.00
MASC600 Estuaries to Deep Sea 15.00
MATH604 Financial Mathematics 15.00
FOOD601 Food Chemistry 15.00
FOOD602 Food Microbiology 15.00
FOOD604 Food Process Engineering 15.00
FOOD603 Food Technology 15.00
STAT603 Forecasting 15.00
PSYC683 Foundations in Psychological Inquiry 15.00
ECOL601 Freshwater Ecology 15.00
ENVS621 Geographic Information Systems 15.00
GEOL601 Geology, Landscape and Environment 15.00
GESC600 Geospatial Analysis 15.00
GESC601 Geospatial Field Skills 15.00
SCIE605 Graphs R Us: Data Visualisation with R 15.00
HEAL609 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 15.00
PSYC680 Individuals and Identities 15.00
MICR602 Industrial Microbiology 15.00
CHEM601 Inorganic Chemistry 15.00
MELS610 Laboratory Information and Quality Management 15.00
MATH601 Linear Algebra 15.00
BIOL603 Marine Invertebrates 15.00
MASC602 Marine Science Methods 15.00
MELS607 Medical Microbiology 15.00
HEAL610 Methods of Research and Enquiry 15.00
MATH606 Modelling and Differential Equations I 15.00
BMED600 Molecular Biomedicine 15.00
BMED601 Natural Biomedical Products 15.00
COMP604 Operating Systems 15.00
CHEM603 Organic Chemistry 15.00
PSYC604 Personality 15.00
SCIE601 Physical Measurement 15.00
ENVS623 Planning for Environmental Sustainability 15.00
CONS601 Plant and Animal Taxonomy 15.00
ENVS624 Plant and Animal Taxonomy 15.00
GENE602 Principles of Genetics 15.00
COMP603 Program Design and Construction 15.00
PSYC603 Psychological Assessment 15.00
MATH607 Quantitative Decision Analysis 15.00
SCIE602 Research Techniques 15.00
SCIE600 Scientific Inquiry 15.00
GEOL602 Sedimentary Rocks & Environments 15.00
PSYC602 Social Psychology 15.00
ASTR600 Space, Time and Gravity 15.00
STAT605 Statistical Data Analytics 15.00
STAT604 Statistical Inference 15.00
EASC601 Tectonic Processes and Climate Change 15.00
ECOL602 Terrestrial Ecology 15.00
CHEM605 Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics 15.00
SCIE606 Vision Mātauranga: Science Practice in Aotearoa 15.00
Level 7
Code Description Points
CHEM702 Advanced Analytical Chemistry 15.00
MICR702 Advanced Food Microbiology 15.00
GESC700 Advanced Geospatial Analysis 15.00
CHEM706 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 15.00
BMED700 Advanced Molecular Biomedicine 15.00
HEAL709 Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 15.00
SCIE703 Anaesthesia IV 15.00
SCIE704 Anaesthetic Technology II 15.00
ECOL731 Animal Behaviour and Ecology 15.00
CONS701 Applied Conservation 15.00
COMP719 Applied Human Computer Interaction 15.00
PSYC781 Applied Issues in Cultural and Social Psychology 15.00
STAT700 Applied Stochastic Models 15.00
PSYC707 Approaches to Psychological Intervention 15.00
COMP717 Artificial Intelligence 15.00
EASC700 Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change 15.00
BMED701 Biomedical Science 15.00
BIOL742 Biomedical Science 15.00
BIOL743 Biomedical Technology 15.00
PSYC704 Biopsychology 15.00
MICR701 Biotechnology 15.00
BIOL703 Cancer Biology 15.00
GENE703 Computational Genetics 15.00
ENSE701 Contemporary Issues in Software Engineering 15.00
SCIE702 Cooperative Education 60.00
PSYC702 Critical Evaluation in Psychology 15.00
COMP713 Distributed and Mobile Systems 15.00
BMED702 Drug Delivery and Formulation 15.00
GEOL702 Earth Materials 15.00
ENVS704 Ecological Management and Modelling 15.00
PSYC780 Emotions and Human Nature 15.00
ENVS703 Environmental Chemistry 15.00
BIOL702 Estuarine Ecology 15.00
PSYC701 Experimental and Applied Behaviour Analysis 15.00
PSYC703 Experimental and Applied Behaviour Analysis II 15.00
MATH700 Financial Modelling and Computation 15.00
FOOD701 Food Product Development 30.00
FOOD741 Food Safety Systems 15.00
FOOD704 Food Systems 15.00
ASTR702 Frontiers of Astronomy and Space Science 15.00
COMP710 Game Programming 15.00
GEOL704 Geohazards and Risk 15.00
ENVS721 Geo-spatial analysis 15.00
ENVS702 GIS - Geographical Information Systems 15.00
BIOL712 Health Protection 15.00
HPRO700 Health Protection 15.00
PSYC706 Health Psychology 15.00
COMP716 Highly Secure Systems 15.00
MASC704 Humans and Oceans 15.00
SCIE705 Independent Learning 15.00
STAT704 Industrial and Business Analytics 15.00
MATH704 Linear Partial Differential Equations 15.00
MASC702 Marine Ecosystem Dynamics 15.00
MASC703 Marine Science Research 15.00
GENE704 Microbial Genetics 15.00
MELS712 MLS Clinical Training Molecular Diagnostics 60.00
CHEM786 Modern Topics in Organic Chemistry 15.00
GENE702 Molecular Diagnostics 15.00
GENE701 Molecular Genetics 15.00
STAT705 Multivariate Data Analysis 15.00
BIOL741 Natural Compounds 15.00
CHEM701 Natural Products 15.00
MATH703 Numerical Analysis 15.00
BIOL701 Oceanography 15.00
CHEM704 Organic Synthesis and Molecular Design 15.00
ECOL732 Pacific Island Ecosystems 15.00
PHMY701 Pharmacology for Professional Practice 15.00
ECOL701 Plant Ecology 15.00
PSYC705 Positive Psychology 15.00
COMP712 Programming Languages 15.00
CHEM707 Protein and Metabolic Chemistry 15.00
CHEM705 Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy 15.00
ENVS723 Remote Sensing 15.00
SCIE701 Research Project 30.00
SCIE707 Science Capstone Project A 15.00
SCIE708 Science Capstone Project B 15.00
FOOD705 Sensory Evaluation 15.00
ENVS722 Socio-ecological Systems Analysis 15.00
MATH701 Special Topic A 15.00
MATH702 Special Topic B 15.00
STAT706 Stochastic Modelling 15.00
GEOL701 Structural Geology and Tectonics 15.00
SCIE706 Sustainability Research Project 15.00
FOOD702 Sustainable Food Design and Packaging 15.00
COMP711 Theory of Computation 15.00
GEOL703 Volcanology 15.00
CONS721 Wildlife Conservation 15.00
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