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Qualification Table of Courses
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
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Level 8
Code Description Points
ENVS802 Advanced Applications in Geographic Information Systems 30.00
MASC801 Advanced Biological Oceanography 15.00
ECOL801 Advanced Ecology 15.00
MICR800 Advanced Environmental Microbiology 30.00
MATH802 Advanced Financial Modelling and Analytics 15.00
FOOD807 Advanced Food Processing and Technology 30.00
FOOD801 Advanced Food Science and Analysis 30.00
SCIE808 Advanced Scientific Inquiry 15.00
FOOD805 Advanced Sensory Analysis of Foods 15.00
SCIE807 Advanced Statistical Modelling 15.00
STAT802 Advanced Topics in Analytics 15.00
ASTR800 Advanced Topics in Astronomy and Astrophysics 15.00
ENVS806 Advances in Geospatial Analysis 15.00
ENVS805 Advances in Remote Sensing 15.00
ENVS801 Applications of Geographical Information Systems 15.00
CONS802 Applied New Zealand Conservation 15.00
COMP813 Artificial Intelligence 15.00
INFS812 Bioinformatics 15.00
CHEM805 Biological Inorganic Chemistry 15.00
MELS801 Biomedical Ethics 15.00
BIOL801 Biomedical Science and Technology 30.00
CHEM803 Chemistry for Drug Discovery 15.00
STAT805 Computational Mathematics and Statistics 15.00
CONS801 Conservation Biology 15.00
GENE802 Contemporary Molecular Genetics 30.00
FOOD804 Current Topics in Food Science 30.00
COMP809 Data Mining and Machine Learning 15.00
COMP810 Data Warehousing and Big Data 15.00
CHEM804 Design and Synthesis of Light-Responsive Molecules 15.00
GEOL801 Environment, Hazards, and Society 15.00
PHIL880 Ethics of Biotechnology 30.00
MASC802 Fisheries Science 15.00
GESC801 From Remote Sensing Data to Geospatial Solutions 30.00
FOOD802 Frontiers of Food Microbiology 30.00
ENVS807 Geospatial Customisation and Visualisation 15.00
GESC800 Geospatial Data Visualisation and Analysis 30.00
ENVS808 Geospatial Internship 15.00
ENVS804 Geospatial Science for Conservation 15.00
ENVS803 GIS and Programming 15.00
ENVS800 Global Change Biology 30.00
CONS804 Global Change Biology 15.00
SCIE896 Honours Research Project 45.00
BIOL803 Introduction to Medicinal Cannabis 15.00
COMP808 Logic, Games and Automata 15.00
ECOL802 Macroecology and Biogeography 15.00
MASC800 Marine Biodiversity and Conservation 30.00
MASC803 Marine Ecosystem Functions 15.00
MASC805 Marine Resources and Sustainability 30.00
MASC804 Marine Spatial Planning 15.00
MATH803 Mathematical Modelling and Simulation 15.00
CHEM809 Metabolites and Proteins 15.00
COMP826 Mobile Systems Development 15.00
CHEM808 Molecular Spectroscopy 15.00
COMP815 Nature Inspired Computing 15.00
COMP800 Neuroinformatics 15.00
STAT803 Official Statistics 15.00
STAT804 Optimisation and Operations Research 15.00
CHEM801 Physical Chemistry I 15.00
MELS802 Quality Assurance in Laboratory Services 30.00
SCIE805 Quantitative Analysis 15.00
FOOD803 Recent Trends in Food Science 15.00
SCIE806 Scientific Research and Communication 15.00
SCIE802 Scientific Research, Application and Communication 30.00
SCIE809 Selected Topics 15.00
SCIE804 Selected Topics in Applied Science 30.00
MICR801 Selected Topics in Microbiology 30.00
CONS803 Socio-Ecological Systems Analysis 15.00
SCIE801 Specialist Readings 15.00
SCIE803 Specialist Readings in Applied Science 30.00
COMP840 Specialist Topic A 15.00
COMP841 Specialist Topic B 15.00
ENGE817 STEM Research Methods 15.00
STAT800 Stochastic Modelling 15.00
FOOD806 Sustainable Food Product Development 30.00
Level 9
Code Description Points
MASC900 Advanced Data Analysis in Marine Sciences 30.00
ENVS900 Advanced Environmental Science 30.00
FOOD900 Advanced Food Processing and Technology 30.00
GESC900 Advanced Problem Solving for Geospatial Scientists 30.00
MATH896 Dissertation 45.00
MATH997 Dissertation 60.00
SCIE997 Dissertation 60.00
SCIE996 Research Project 45.00
MATH989 Thesis 120.00
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