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Qualification Table of Courses
Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science
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Level 8
Code Description Points
HEAL844 Activity and Nutrition for Older Persons Health and Wellbeing 15.00
HEAL824 Advanced assessment and diagnostic reasoning 30.00
HEAL804 Advanced Case Management Practice 15.00
ORAH801 Advanced Contemporary Knowledge in Oral Health 30.00
EPMY802 Advanced Epidemiology 15.00
RHAB820 Advanced Management of Chronic Pain 15.00
PHTY801 Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 45.00
HEAL852 Advanced Neonatal Practice 30.00
PODY801 Advanced Podiatric Practice for the High Risk Foot 45.00
PARA806 Advanced Resuscitation 30.00
PODY802 Advanced Therapies for the Foot and Ankle 15.00
MIDW809 Advancing Midwifery Education 15.00
NURS806 Advancing Nursing Practice 15.00
PARA803 Aeromedical Retrieval 30.00
MIDW806 Antenatal Assessment and Screening 15.00
SPSC801 Applied Exercise and Sport Psychology 15.00
HEAL825 Applied Health Care Ethics 15.00
PHMY802 Applied Pharmacotherapeutics 15.00
MENH811 Assessment and Formulation for Addiction Issues 15.00
MENH808 Assessment for Mental Health Practice 15.00
MIDW805 Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing for Midwifery Practice 15.00
PARA801 Aviation Physiology 30.00
RHAB817 Biomechanics 15.00
MELS801 Biomedical Ethics 15.00
RHAB813 Breathing, Performance and Rehabilitation 15.00
EMGT809 Building Community Resilience 15.00
HEAL867 Child and Whānau Health and Wellbeing: The First 2000 Days 30.00
HEAL848 Children in Context 15.00
HEAL847 Chronic Illness and Disability in Childhood 30.00
RHAB814 Clinical Anatomy 15.00
RHAB810 Clinical Gait Analysis 15.00
HEAL821 Clinical Governance and Quality 30.00
HEAL831 Clinical Teaching and Learning 30.00
HEAL855 Cognitive Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults 15.00
HEAL841 Cognitive Health in Aging 15.00
PARA808 Community and Remote Area Paramedicine 30.00
MIDW804 Complexities in Midwifery Practice 15.00
MENH802 Concepts of Recovery in Mental Health 30.00
RHAB805 Concepts of Rehabilitation 15.00
PARA805 Contemporary Intensive Paramedicine 30.00
HEAL842 Contexts of Ageing 30.00
HEAL840 Critical Enquiry for Evidence Based Practice 15.00
HEAL851 Developmental Assessment and Care of the Sick/Pre-term Neonate 15.00
NURS802 Diagnostic Reasoning for Advanced Practice 15.00
HEAL861 Digital Health and the Future of Work 15.00
HEAL859 Digital Health Disruption 15.00
HEAL860 Digital Health Leadership 15.00
HEAL801 Disability and Health 15.00
EMGT808 Disasters and Development 15.00
MIDW811 Elective Midwifery Practicum 15.00
RHAB812 Engagement in Rehabilitation 15.00
SPSC803 Enhancing Muscular Performance 15.00
MIDW814 Enhancing Preparedness: Childbearing in Disaster Conditions 30.00
MENH801 Enhancing Social Participation in Mental Health 15.00
EMGT807 Environmental Change and Humanitarian Action 15.00
PHIL880 Ethics of Biotechnology 30.00
SPEX801 Exercise and Nutrition for Health 15.00
SPEX803 Exercise Physiology 15.00
MIDW807 Expanding Intrapartum Midwifery Practice 15.00
HEAL858 Exponential Health Technologies 15.00
PARA804 Extreme Situations Management 30.00
MENH810 Foundations for Addiction Practice 15.00
PUBH803 Global Health 15.00
NURS801 Graduate Practice for Registered Nurses 30.00
RHAB806 Hand and Upper Limb Therapy 45.00
HEAL820 Health Economics 15.00
RHAB811 Health Ergonomics 15.00
HLAW801 Health Law 15.00
HEAL837 Health Policy Applied 15.00
HEAL832 Health Professional Education Project 15.00
HEAL812 Health Professional Practice 15.00
HEAL823 Innovation in Primary Health Care 30.00
HEAL843 Interdisciplinary Practice with Older Adults 30.00
HEAL819 Interprofessional Practice Innovation 15.00
MENH812 Intervention for Addiction Issues 15.00
MENH809 Intervention for Mental Health Practice 15.00
PSYC820 Introduction to Psychological Assessment  15.00
PSYC821 Introduction to Psychological Formulation and Diagnosis  15.00
PSYC822 Introduction to Psychological Interventions  15.00
MAOH803 Kia Tūrama - Māori Health Supervision 15.00
HEAL817 Leadership and Management I 15.00
HEAL818 Leadership and Management II 15.00
HEAL830 Learning and Assessment in Health Professional Education 30.00
HEAL838 Life Course Approaches to the Well Child 15.00
HEAL846 Management of Children with Acute Illness 30.00
HEAL857 Managing Long-term Conditions 30.00
MAOH801 Māori Health Research Practice - Te Rangahau Hauora Māori 15.00
COMH803 Mauri Oho – Agents of Socioecological Change in Violence and Trauma 15.00
COMH805 Mauri Ora – Holistic Healing from Trauma 15.00
COMH804 Mauri Tau – Restoring Balance and Resolving Conflict 15.00
RHAB815 Measuring Health and Well-being 15.00
HEAL866 Mental Health Advanced Specialty Practice 30.00
MIDW803 Midwifery Care for Women with Diabetes 15.00
MIDW802 Midwifery Care for Women with Hypertensive Conditions 15.00
MIDW810 Midwifery Practicum in Complex Contexts 15.00
HEAL828 Mindbody Health Care Science 15.00
HEAL827 MindBody Healthcare Practice I 30.00
HEAL829 MindBody Healthcare Practice II 15.00
HEAL826 MindBody Paradigms 15.00
RHAB807 Motor Control in Rehabilitation 15.00
HEAL850 Neonatal Pathophysiology 30.00
HEAL868 Neonatal Specialty Practicum 15.00
RHAB808 Neurological Rehabilitation 15.00
MIDW808 New Born Baby 15.00
NURS809 Nurse Practitioner Advancement 15.00
HPRM801 Nutrition and Health Promotion 30.00
RHAB801 Occupational Ergonomics 30.00
EMPL803 Occupational Health and Safety 15.00
PUBH810 Pacific Health Research and Design 15.00
COMH802 Pae Ora – Optimising Practice in Violence and Trauma 15.00
RHAB818 Pain: Mechanisms and Management 15.00
PARA809 Paramedic Practice for Registered Health Professionals 30.00
RHAB816 Participation and Health 30.00
HEAL862 Perinatal Mental Health 15.00
PHMY801 Pharmacology Science 15.00
PHMY803 Pharmacology Science and Therapeutics 30.00
MIDW812 Philosophy and Midwifery Practice 15.00
SPEX802 Physical Activity and Health Promotion 30.00
MIDW801 Physiological Childbirth for Midwifery Practice 15.00
MIDW813 Physiological Childbirth in Changing Times 30.00
NURS844 Practical Leadership in Health Professional Practice 15.00
HEAL814 Practice Pursued 30.00
HEAL813 Practice Reality 15.00
PUBH801 Principles of Public Health 15.00
HEAL845 Professional Supervision 30.00
PSYC809 Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis 15.00
PSYC810 Psychological Intervention 30.00
PUBH804 Public Health Policy and Systems 15.00
HEAL810 Qualitative Research 15.00
HEAL822 Quality Evaluation in Health 15.00
HEAL808 Quantitative Research 15.00
PSYC805 Rehabilitation Psychology 15.00
HEAL811 Research Design and Methods 15.00
HEAL869 Resisting Racism in Reproduction 15.00
PARA802 Resuscitation Physiology 30.00
NURS804 Science for Advanced Practice 30.00
HEAL856 Simulation in Healthcare Education 15.00
EPMY801 Social Epidemiology 15.00
MENH813 Social Justice in Mental Health and Addictions Practice 15.00
HEAL816 Special Topic 15.00
HEAL803 Special Topic 30.00
ORAH802 Special Topic Dental Practice 30.00
ORAH803 Special Topic Oral Health Knowledge 30.00
ORAH804 Special Topic Oral Health Practice 30.00
HEAL806 Specialist Readings 30.00
HEAL815 Specialist Readings 15.00
HEAL849 Speciality Practicum 30.00
PHTY811 Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy 15.00
RHAB809 Stroke Management 15.00
PSYC811 Supervised Practicum 15.00
MAOH804 Te Hau o te Ora - Hauora Māori Development 15.00
MAOH805 Te Pū o te Ora – Māori Health Praxis 15.00
COMT802 Theoretical Concepts of Western Acupuncture 15.00
RHAB819 Therapeutic Exercise Science 15.00
PSYC808 Therapeutic Theories and Skills 15.00
COMH801 Tipu Ora: Theories and Perspectives in Violence and Trauma 30.00
RADY801 Ultrasound Imaging 15.00
RHAB802 Vocational Management and Rehabilitation 30.00
COMT801 Western Acupuncture 45.00
HEAL839 Working with Children and Families 15.00
Level 9
Code Description Points
HEAL985 Child Health Practicum 45.00
NURS901 Nurse Practitioner Practicum 45.00
HEAL997 Practice Dissertation 60.00
PSYC997 Psychology Practice Dissertation 60.00
HEAL996 Research Project 45.00
HEAL904 Special Topic 15.00
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