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Qualification Table of Courses
Bachelor of Health Science
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Level 5
Code Description Points
ACCT502 Accounting Essentials 15.00
SCIE501 Anaesthesia I 15.00
SCIE502 Anaesthetic Technology I 15.00
MAOR502 Beginners Māori Language II 15.00
CHEM502 Biological and Solution Chemistry 15.00
SCIE503 Biophysics 15.00
BUSS506 Business in a Changing World 15.00
BSYS501 Business Information Systems 15.00
HEAL508 Clinical Coding 15.00
HEAL510 Communication And Education In The Health Environment 15.00
COUN503 Counselling Knowledge and Skills I 15.00
DESN501 Creativity and Design Thinking 15.00
CRIM580 Criminology and Criminal Justice 15.00
CLSY500 Culture and Society 15.00
COMH502 Family Violence Theory and Policy 15.00
BUSS503 Financial Decision Making 15.00
LEXP500 Foundations for Lived Experience Based Practice 15.00
PODY500 Fundamentals of Foot Care 15.00
COUN501 Group Theory and Practice I 15.00
MAOH501 Hauora Māori 15.00
HEAL507 Health and Environment 15.00
HPRM501 Health Management and Service Development 15.00
HEAL503 Health Records Management 15.00
HEAL505 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 15.00
CLSY502 Intercultural Competence 15.00
HEAL501 Introduction to Case Management 15.00
CWRT501 Introduction to Creative Writing 15.00
ENTR501 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15.00
EPMY501 Introduction to Epidemiology 15.00
HIST500 Introduction to New Zealand History 15.00
PSYC580 Introduction to Psychology A 15.00
PSYC501 Introduction to Psychology A 15.00
PSYC502 Introduction to Psychology B 15.00
EDUC511 Introduction to Social Education Practice 15.00
TOUR501 Introduction to Tourism 15.00
PSYC503 Introductory Research Methods 15.00
HEAL506 Knowledge, Enquiry and Communication 15.00
SPOR504 Leadership in Sport and the Outdoors 15.00
HEAL504 Lifespan Development and Communication 15.00
MGMT501 Managing and Organising 15.00
MARS501 Marketing Insights 15.00
HEAL502 Medical Terminology 15.00
MENH502 Mental Health and Wellbeing 15.00
NZSL511 New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf Culture 1A 15.00
NZSL512 New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf Culture 1B 15.00
NZSL520 New Zealand Sign Language II 15.00
NUTR501 Nutrition, Activity and Health 15.00
HOSP503 Organisation and Human Behaviour Perspectives 15.00
COMH501 Personal and Professional Development 15.00
COMH503 Perspectives on Violence and Trauma 15.00
COUN502 Relational Counselling: History and Theories 15.00
SPOR511 Skill Learning in Sport and Recreation 15.00
SOSC583 Social Institutions 15.00
SOSC582 Social Thinking 15.00
MENH504 Sociopolitical Context of Mental Health 15.00
SPAN501 Spanish 1A 15.00
SPAN502 Spanish 1B 15.00
JAPA511 Speak Japanese I 15.00
SPSC501 Sport and Exercise Science Fundamentals 15.00
SPOR501 Sport and Recreation in Aotearoa/New Zealand 15.00
HEAL509 Supporting Health Research & Development 15.00
COMM505 Text, Image and Sound 15.00
HIST501 The Holocaust: Its Causes, Character, and Legacy 15.00
EDUC505 Understanding Children 15.00
Level 6
Code Description Points
HEAL607 15-Point Special Topic 15.00
HEAL608 30-Point Special Topic 30.00
PSYC601 Abnormal Psychology 15.00
HEAL605 Advocacy and Dispute Resolution in Health and Human Services 15.00
SCIE603 Anaesthesia II 15.00
SCIE604 Anaesthesia III 15.00
ANAE603 Anaesthetic & Perioperative Practice I 30.00
SPOR613 Analysing Performance 15.00
SPSC602 Applied Anatomy 15.00
HEAL601 Applied Epidemiology and Clinical Coding 15.00
PARA607 Applied Military Medicine 15.00
SPSC604 Applied Sports Biomechanics I 15.00
NZSL602 Being in the Deaf World 15.00
PSYC605 Brain and Behaviour 15.00
FINA605 Building Financial Capability and Wellbeing 15.00
HEAL603 Case Management and Human Behaviour 15.00
PARA603 Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis 15.00
PARA604 Clinical Practice I 15.00
PARA605 Clinical Practice II 15.00
PSYC681 Cognitive Psychology 15.00
MICR603 Communicable Diseases 15.00
PSYC606 Contemporary Issues in Addictions 15.00
COUN607 Counselling Knowledge, Skills and Issues 30.00
COUN603 Counselling Practicum I 30.00
EMPL601 Employment Relations 15.00
HPRM603 Ethics of Health Promotion 15.00
SPSC603 Exercise Prescription and Assessment 15.00
HPRM601 Fonua Ola Pasifika Health 15.00
PSYC683 Foundations in Psychological Inquiry 15.00
ANAE604 Fundamentals of Surgery 15.00
COUN602 Group Theory and Practice 15.00
COUN606 Group Theory and Practice II 15.00
ANAE605 Haemodynamics in Perioperative Practice 15.00
PARA606 Haemodynamics in the Acute Patient 15.00
HPRM604 Health Promotion 15.00
EMGT601 Health, Risk and Disaster Resilience 15.00
HEAL609 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 15.00
HRMG601 Human Resource Management 15.00
PSYC680 Individuals and Identities 15.00
TRIN603 Interpreter Role, Ethics and Practice 15.00
ANAE602 Introduction to Anaesthesia and Perioperative Practice 15.00
ANAE601 Introduction to Anaesthesia and Perioperative Theory 15.00
HEAL613 Introduction to Health Economics 15.00
PARA608 Introduction to Military Medicine 30.00
PARA609 Introduction to Paramedic Practice 15.00
COMH602 Introduction to Practicum 15.00
ORAH606 Knowledge for Adult Dental Therapy I 30.00
HEAL604 Late Adulthood 15.00
MGMT603 Leadership for Change 15.00
HEAL606 Long -Term Conditions 15.00
MENH603 Mental Health and Mental Illness 15.00
MENH602 Mental Health and Psychopathology 15.00
HEAL610 Methods of Research and Enquiry 15.00
NZSL600 New Zealand Sign Language Discourse 15.00
CULN603 Nutrition and Wellbeing 15.00
DIGM602 Online and Interactive Communication 15.00
BSYS604 Operations Management 15.00
ORAH605 Oral Health Promotion in Practice 15.00
MGMT601 Organisational Behaviour 15.00
PARA601 Pathology and Pathophysiology 15.00
PSYC604 Personality 15.00
COMH603 Practicum I 15.00
HEAL602 Principles of Case Management in Health Contexts 15.00
HEAL611 Principles Of Wellness 15.00
PARA610 Professional Frameworks for Paramedic Practice 15.00
PSYC603 Psychological Assessment 15.00
SPOR612 Skill Acquisition and Sport Psychology 15.00
COMH601 Skills for Supporting Recovery in Support Work 15.00
MGMT602 Small and Medium Enterprise Management 15.00
PSYC602 Social Psychology 15.00
HEAL612 Spirituality, Health and Wellbeing 15.00
NUTR601 Sport and Exercise Nutrition 15.00
SPOR614 Sport Finance 15.00
SPOR605 Sport Management 15.00
SPOR604 Sport Marketing 15.00
SPOR601 Sport, Health and Physical Education Studies 15.00
SPOR606 Sport, Health and Wellbeing 15.00
MAOH600 Te Korowai Oranga - Uplifting Māori Health 15.00
MAOH602 Te Pūtake o te Waiora 15.00
HIST690 Te Tiriti O Waitangi: The Treaty of Waitangi 15.00
HPRM602 Theories and Models in Public and Environmental Health 15.00
COUN601 Theory, Skills and Interventions I 15.00
TRIN601 Translation Skills: Analysis, Appropriateness and Accuracy 15.00
Level 7
Code Description Points
HEAL706 15-Point Special Topic 15.00
HEAL707 30-Point Special Topic 30.00
HEAL703 Active Ageing 15.00
PSYC708 Advanced Interventions for Addiction 15.00
PSYC783 Advanced Psychological Inquiry 15.00
HEAL709 Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 15.00
ANAE705 Advanced Resuscitation in Perioperative Practice 15.00
PARA702 Ambulance Operations 15.00
SCIE703 Anaesthesia IV 15.00
ANAE701 Anaesthetic & Perioperative Practice II 15.00
ANAE702 Anaesthetic & Perioperative Practice III 30.00
ANAE703 Anaesthetic & Perioperative Practice IV 30.00
SCIE704 Anaesthetic Technology II 15.00
PSYC781 Applied Issues in Cultural and Social Psychology 15.00
PARA701 Applied Mental Health and Wellbeing 15.00
MAOH702 Applied Primary Māori Mental Health 15.00
PSYC707 Approaches to Psychological Intervention 15.00
PSYC711 Assessment and Intervention in Addiction 15.00
MENH705 Assessment and Intervention in Addiction Practice 15.00
PSYC704 Biopsychology 15.00
PARA706 Cardiology 15.00
ANAE704 Cardiology in Perioperative Practice 15.00
HEAL721 Case Management Practice 15.00
PSYT709 Child and Adolescent Work Discussion Group 15.00
HEAL701 Clinical Foundations for Health Case Management 15.00
HEAL714 Clinical Practice Development 45.00
PARA712 Clinical Practice III 30.00
NURS704 Clinical Project 15.00
PARA709 Clinical Reasoning 15.00
ANAE706 Clinical Reasoning in Perioperative Practice 15.00
PARA704 Clinical Risk Reduction 15.00
HEAL705 Cognition in the Older Person 15.00
HEAL702 Complexities in Case Management Practice 15.00
MENH703 Counselling Children and Young People 15.00
COUN705 Counselling Knowledge and Skills III 30.00
COUN704 Counselling Practicum II 30.00
HPRM703 Counselling Skills for Professional Practice 15.00
PSYC702 Critical Evaluation in Psychology 15.00
COMH701 Critical Issues in Violence Studies 15.00
PSYC784 Developmental Psychology 15.00
EMGT703 Disaster Theory 15.00
HRMG701 Diversity and Inclusion for Social Impact 15.00
PSYC714 Drug and Alcohol Studies 15.00
EMGT704 Emergency Planning 15.00
PSYC780 Emotions and Human Nature 15.00
OCTY701 Enabling Systems Change 15.00
LEXP700 Enhanced Lived Experience Practice 15.00
PSYC701 Experimental and Applied Behaviour Analysis 15.00
PSYC703 Experimental and Applied Behaviour Analysis II 15.00
CULN702 Food Ethics and Sustainability 15.00
PSYC713 Gambling Studies 15.00
HIST706 Gods, Heroes and the Rest of Us in Theatre and Performance 15.00
COUN702 Group Facilitation and Programme Development 15.00
HEAL723 Health Coaching 15.00
HLAW701 Health Law and Policy 15.00
HPRM702 Health Practice Cooperative 30.00
HPRM706 Health Promotion of Communities 15.00
PSYC706 Health Psychology 15.00
HEAL719 Health Research Literacy 15.00
SCIE705 Independent Learning 15.00
PSYT708 Infant Observation 30.00
INTB708 Innovation and Technology Strategy 15.00
PARA703 Integrated Clinical Practice 15.00
PARA707 Intermediate Life Support 15.00
PSYT705 Introduction to Applied Transactional Analysis 15.00
COUN706 Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Approaches 15.00
HEAL711 Introduction to Creative-Expressive Interventions in Healthcare 15.00
PSYT713 Introduction to Narrative Therapy 15.00
ORAH701 Knowledge for Adult Dental Therapy II 30.00
MAOH701 Māori Health Promotion 15.00
HPRM707 Media and Communication in Health Promotion 15.00
PARA711 Military Clinical Practice 15.00
HIST701 Nostalgia and Utopianism in New Zealand History 15.00
BIOL701 Oceanography 15.00
HEAL713 Online Communities and Communication 15.00
ORAH702 Oral Health Adult Patient Care I 30.00
ORAH703 Oral Health Adult Patient Care II 30.00
PARA705 Paramedic Primary Health Care 15.00
EMGT702 Peacekeeping 15.00
LEXP701 Perspectives On Hauora and Wellbeing 15.00
PHMY701 Pharmacology for Professional Practice 15.00
HIST770 Popular Monsters 15.00
PSYC705 Positive Psychology 15.00
COUN703 Practicum II 15.00
PSYC710 Presenting Populations in Gambling 15.00
HEAL708 Professional Practice and Ethics 15.00
PSYC712 Professional Practice in Addictions 15.00
PSYT710 Psychoanalytic Concepts 15.00
PSYC715 Psychological Challenges in Childhood and Adolescence 15.00
PSYT701 Psychosocial Life Review 15.00
PSYT706 Psychotherapy Practice Skills 30.00
HPRM701 Public and Environmental Health Evaluation 15.00
HEAL704 Quality in the Health Sector 15.00
MENH706 Recovery and Wellbeing in Addiction Practice 15.00
MENH702 Recovery in Mental Health 15.00
RHAB701 Rehabilitation and Participation 15.00
PSYT707 Relational Psychotherapy: Theories and Modalities 30.00
HEAL716 Renal Health, Culture and Context 15.00
HEAL717 Renal Pathology and Treatment 15.00
HEAL718 Renal Physiology Clinical Practice 45.00
HEAL715 Renal Science 15.00
MENH701 Research in Mental Health 15.00
PSYC782 Research Project 15.00
PARA710 Resuscitation 30.00
MGMT707 Risk Management 15.00
PSYT702 Social and Cultural Analysis 15.00
MGMT705 Stress and Resilience at Work 15.00
HIST771 The World of Luxury Goods, Popular Trends, and Social Identities 15.00
MENH704 Theories and Principles for Addiction Practice 15.00
COUN701 Theory, Skills and Interventions II 15.00
HPRM705 Tobacco Control 15.00
PARA708 Unique Population Management in Paramedic Practice 15.00
HEAL710 Utilising Supervision in Practice 15.00
EMGT701 Working With People in Crisis 15.00
EMPL702 Workplace Health and Safety 15.00
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