Te Ata Tu Harmer-Matairangi (Ata)

Te Ata Tu Harmer-Matairangi (Ata)

Data Specialist, Human Resources, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Bachelor of Business in Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Tuwharetoa

She discovered her passion for business during her first year at university, says Te Ata Tu Harmer-Matairangi (Ata) who studied a Bachelor of Business and now has a career in data analytics.

“I originally started at AUT with a business certificate and planned to study law after my certificate, but when I was doing the course Business in Society I realised that the field of business personally suited me more, especially when I learned more about how business impacts the economy, the environment and society. The passion my lecturers had towards their subjects and us students also amplified my favourite courses.”

With a strong passion for serving her community, Ata loves now being able to apply her business skills in her role as a data specialist for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.

“I’m based in the human resources team, and I believe in the culture and vision we have as an organisation; whānau transformation through education. I love working for a kaupapa Māori organisation and being able to use my passion and the skills I learned at uni to serve with and in my community.”

A smooth transition
Because university can be very different from high school, Ata decided to complete the UniPrep university preparation programme before she started her studies at AUT.

“After completing high school I knew that the UniPrep programme would be an opportunity to better prepare myself for university. AUT was a big step from secondary school but UniPrep was a bridge that helped me before my first semester started. I knew who the lecturers were, where to go on campus and how to do academic references, so I felt comfortable transitioning into tertiary spaces.”

UniPrep also helped her discover a love for the AUT South Campus in Manukau, and she appreciated being able to also study many of her business courses there.

“My highlight was studying from the South Campus. I knew from UniPrep that the campus culture and natural environmental were exactly what I needed, especially as stepping into adulthood and applying myself in my studies was a stressful time for me.”

Supported to thrive
She is grateful for all the support she received throughout her studies, says Ata, who graduated from AUT in 2022.

“I appreciated the UniPrep cohort who counselled me while I prepared to study, including my peers who were all a vibe! I’m also grateful to the business and the Pou Māori staff for their support throughout my studies. All of my lecturers were ever so patient with me.

“When I was in Year 12 in secondary school, I was also awarded a scholarship from the First Foundation, in partnership with NZI (then IAG). It was great to also have this team to support and believe in me while I was at uni. I did my AUT workplace experience with NZI and secured a full-time position as a business analyst with them after graduating; a role I held until I joined Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2024.”

She has some great advice for other students who are only at the start of their own university journey.

“If there’s any opportunity that presents itself which feels right to you, I hope you run with it. Believe in your potential and always aim high!”