Sharmistha Choudhary

Sharmistha Choudhary

Primary Class Teacher, Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School
Master of Teaching and Learning (Primary) with Merit

When Sharmistha Choudhary decided to take her education career from India to New Zealand, she soon felt herself drawn to AUT’s Master of Teaching and Learning to prepare her for this new adventure.

“I’ve been an educator for more than 20 years, and I’m proud of my association with the Trinity College of London in Mumbai where I’ve trained more than 1,500 students for the college’s drama and speech, and English language exams.

“I visited New Zealand in 2017 and in 2019, and loved it. I wanted to do a master’s degree in teaching from a country other than India, and was looking at options in Australia and New Zealand. I really loved the practical component of 16 weeks of teaching practicums in the AUT Master of Teaching and Learning, and decided to apply for this. I wanted to experience practical teaching scenarios and not only learn about theory.”

Supportive and relevant
The lecturers were wonderful and so supportive, Sharmistha says.

“As an international student, I was unaccustomed to the method of studying in New Zealand. The lecturers were so patient and helped me navigate my studies successfully. I also made some wonderful friends and we’re still in touch with each other after graduating.”

She enjoyed her degree and all the subjects her courses covered.

“All the theory I learned during my master’s degree has practical applications in the actual classroom. Now that I’m teaching I can see the connections to what I learned at AUT every single day.”

An enjoyable teaching career
After completing her studies at the end of 2023, Sharmistha now enjoys her role as a primary class teacher at Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School.

“I love teaching, planning and interacting with all my students. When I see my students achieve the learning outcomes I’m filled with pride and satisfaction.”

She says she would highly recommend studying at AUT to other students.

“AUT is a wonderful university and students who enrol here will definitely not be disheartened. AUT will a stepping stone to a successful career.”