Olivia Nielsen

Olivia Nielsen

2nd-year student, Te Tohu Paetahi mō te Hoahoa – Bachelor of Design in Spatial Design

She would highly recommend living in student accommodation, says art and design student Olivia Nielsen who lives in the Wellesley Student Apartments at the AUT City Campus.

“When I started uni, I was a bit nervous, as are most of us moving out of home for the very first time. But I believe this experience has helped me grow and learn life skills that I hadn’t thought about before. It has been a great learning experience, and meeting lifelong friends just tops it off. I’m now in my second year at AUT and decided to return to the student accommodation as I enjoyed living here so much in my first year.”

Her favourite part of living in the Wellesley Student Apartments is the community.

“Everyone here is so lovely and welcoming. Anything you need can be catered for, and each person is accounted for and is cared so much about. I also loved the way that the Wellesley Student Apartments run O Week, with a variety of different events and fun activities catering to every single resident. That’s just amazing.”

A passion for spaces
With the goal to one day have her very own interior design firm, Olivia says it was easy to decide to study spatial design at AUT.

“I chose the spatial design degree as I’m very passionate about spaces and interior design. I had attended AUT LIVE, AUT’s open day, and was very impressed with the university. I also knew past AUT students who had completed this degree and loved their time at AUT.”

She wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the spatial design degree to others.

“I’d definitely recommend this programme to others. I thoroughly enjoy it, and I think if you’re interested in spaces, especially interior spaces, this degree is for you. It has taught me so much I didn’t know about the thinking and time that goes into the spaces we use and take for granted each and every day.”

Feeling at home
She feels at home at AUT, Olivia says.

“I’ve been enjoying the student life – the atmosphere and community that AUT creates for its students is like no other. I’ve enjoyed meeting new people, and making lifelong friends and connections. My lecturers are all so lovely and helpful every step of the way. No question asked is ever a silly question and you’re always given the time to be acknowledged.”

Her advice for other students is simple: make the most of your time at AUT.

“A degree is a very short three years. Make the most out of what this place offers in the short time that you’re studying here. I know I sure am, and I’m loving it.”