Kashish Prakash Shah

Kashish Prakash Shah

Master of Business Administration student

Participating in a nationwide competition for MBA students was one of the highlights of his studies, says Kashish Prakash Shah who came to AUT as an international student from India.

“I’m proud of representing AUT at the national MBA case competition and be part of the team that won the first prize in 2023. The competition was critical in shaping my learning as we were required to prepare not only from a technical point of view but also had to develop our soft skills. We were put in a real-life pressure situation and had to apply our understanding of high-performing teams, strategy, soft skills, leadership, sustainability, finance and communication skills, as well as our practical work experience. That was the most important moment of my student life at AUT and I made friends for life.”

He says he would highly recommend AUT’s MBA programme to others.

“The curriculum is relevant to the real world, and AUT provides a safe environment that allows you to make mistakes, and learn from the academic staff and the other students. I’ve enjoyed learning from the experiences of my peers who were a diverse mix of domestic and international students. I particularly liked learning more about digital transformation, sustainability, co-ignition, supply chains and other new concepts, and how their application can impact business performance and reputation.

“The diversity of experience, culture and knowledge has motivated me throughout my student life at AUT. As a student, I’ve cherished all the networking that can be done through the applied business project that is part of the MBA, and was able to meet senior business leaders, showcase my experience and be a brand ambassador for AUT.”

Choosing AUT
Deciding to come to AUT was easy for him, says Kashish who has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India since 2009 and has extensive experience in both senior consulting roles and in various industries in India.

“I wanted to study the MBA as I felt that my job was becoming somewhat predictable. I wanted to stimulate my learning, and explore different business functions to better understand my areas of interest and expand my networking. What better way to self-discover, upskill and expand my network than to get an MBA!

“I knew that I wanted to study for my MBA in Auckland in New Zealand, and I had the option to study at AUT and other universities. When I compared the curriculum and courses offered as part of the MBA at different tertiary institutes, I saw that AUT had courses on strategy, peak performance, supply chains, accounting and financial analysis, sustainability, supply chains, co-ignition, digital transformation, and diversity and inclusion. That matched my learning requirements. I also liked that AUT was EQUIS and AACSB accredited, and included an applied business project in the MBA.”

Returning to university had its challenges, he admits.

“My biggest challenge was to go back to studying after 14 years in a successful career, especially since I was studying in a different country with a different approach. To help me with this, I took the time to understand the learning methods, expectations, and the importance of reflection writing and referencing in AUT assignments. I also reached out to the lecturers to get continuous feedback on my understanding and study plans, and participated in AUT workshops on reflection writing.”

Advice for other students
Expecting to graduate later this year, Kashish has some great advice for other students.

“To enhance your learning, read all materials provided by your faculty so that you can participate in class and apply your knowledge in case studies. I’d also recommend participating in the MBA case competition as this experience will change your entire MBA experience and boost your confidence. Make sure you network with guest lecturers, AUT staff and also on LinkedIn – that’s as important as attending classes. Finally, focus on your grades and your academic record to help you get the job you aspire to.”

His other piece of advice is to make the most of the university experience.

“When I came to New Zealand, living in Te Āhuru Mayoral Drive Student Accommodation near the AUT City Campus was the best time as this enabled me to focus on my studies, connect with my lecturers and build my network, and participate in clubs like the AUT Investment Club I’m an executive member of. I’d recommend staying at Te Āhuru Mayoral Drive Student Accommodation or living close to the university.”

More about Kashish and his experiences