Jhoanna Marie Abella

Jhoanna Marie Abella

Associate Study Coordinator, New Zealand Clinical Research
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science

Being able to contribute to advancements in global health is what she loves most about her career, says Jhoanna Marie Abella who completed a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science and now works as a study coordinator for New Zealand Clinical Research.

“What I enjoy most about being a study coordinator is the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse range of professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and lab technicians. It’s incredibly rewarding to know that our collective efforts can lead to significant improvements in patient care and outcomes. Being part of a team dedicated to making a positive impact on health is truly inspiring.

“As a study coordinator, I’m responsible for ensuring that research is conducted efficiently and ethically while maintaining participant safety and data integrity. This includes project managing research studies, recruiting research participants, managing study data, monitoring compliance, problem solving, and serving as a liaison between researchers, participants and regulatory bodies, facilitating clear communication throughout the study.”

She is particularly proud of supporting research that can give hope to terminally ill patients.

“I’m most proud of being part of a team that supports patients, mostly in oncology and cardiology, where clinical trials often represent their last treatment option. Witnessing complete responses to treatments and seeing patients extend their lives due to our efforts is incredibly rewarding. This achievement not only highlights the impact of our work but also reinforces my commitment to advancing patient care through research. Knowing that we play a role in giving hope to patients and their families is what drives my passion in this field.”

Deepening her passion for science
For Jhoanna, the first step towards the rewarding career she has today was enrolling in AUT’s Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science. She says she had long known that AUT was the right university for her.

“When I moved to New Zealand at the age of 12 and visited Auckland for the first time, I immediately felt a connection to AUT. I had a passion for science and research, which guided my academic pursuits and led me to choose this degree. When I was ready to start university, I conducted extensive research on AUT and other universities in Auckland, and I found that AUT stands out for its vibrant culture and diversity. As a prospective student, it was important for me to feel comfortable and welcome in the environment where I would spend the next three years.”

She certainly hasn’t regretted this decision and says she had plenty of highlights throughout her time at AUT.

“My time at AUT was marked by a combination of academic rigour, cultural enrichment and personal development that I’ll carry with me into the future. The welcoming atmosphere at AUT played a significant role in my experience. The support from both the academic staff and the other students made it easy to seek help and collaborate, fostering a sense of belonging that I truly valued.

“Throughout my time at AUT, I focused on honing essential skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem solving and leadership. These skills have prepared me well for my future endeavors. A lightbulb moment for me was when I realised how interconnected different scientific disciplines are. This insight changed my approach to my studies and inspired me to seek opportunities to work with students from other fields. This moment deepened my passion for science and shaped my approach to future projects and collaborations.”

Advice for other students
Jhoanna, who graduated from AUT in 2021, has some great advice for other students who are only at the start of their university journey.

“My advice for future AUT students is to never stop dreaming. Pursue your passions with determination and curiosity, and don’t be afraid to think big. Embrace every opportunity to learn, grow and connect with others.”

Keep your goal in mind if things get tough, she adds.

“Challenges may arise, but maintaining a vision for your future will help you navigate obstacles and stay motivated. Always remember that your dreams can guide you to make a meaningful impact in your field and beyond.”