Jasween Jyoti Mala

Jasween Jyoti Mala

Police Prosecutor, New Zealand Police
Bachelor of Laws

She has always been passionate about justice, fairness and making a difference in society, says Jasween Jyoti Mala who came to AUT to study law.

“Law isn’t just a set of rules; it's a tool for shaping a better world, ensuring that everyone is treated equitably and that rights are protected. AUT's commitment to addressing key societal issues through research resonated with me, as did the diverse and inclusive community, and the emphasis on hands-on learning, practical electives and experiential opportunities. My father is an AUT law graduate, and I knew I had to follow in the steps of my role model and start a new family tradition while making him and my family proud.”

Jasween says her time at AUT was filled with memorable highlights.

“One of the experiences that stood out was participating in moot court competitions. It was about honing my advocacy skills, thinking critically on my feet and learning to construct persuasive arguments. The thrill of standing before a judge and making a compelling case was unmatched. AUT's connections with the legal profession also opened doors for me to gain internships and real-world experience while still studying.

“A profound lightbulb moment for me during my time at AUT was observing other students graduating as I walked to my classes. Witnessing their joy, accomplishment and sense of fulfilment as they walked by in their gowns ignited a spark within me. It made me realise the transformative power of education and the endless possibilities that awaited me if I committed myself to my studies and pursued my passions wholeheartedly.”

Protecting the vulnerable
After completing her Bachelor of Laws, Jasween now enjoys being able to advocate for victims and the community through her role as a prosecutor for the New Zealand Police.

“It's a role that allows me to be a voice for those who have been wronged and to ensure that offenders are held accountable for their actions. What makes this role particularly rewarding is the chance to work closely with police officers and other legal professionals to build strong cases and pursue justice collaboratively. Every day presents new opportunities to make a positive impact, whether it's in the courtroom presenting evidence, negotiating with defence lawyers, or providing support to victims and witnesses.”

She is proud of what she has already achieved in her career so far.

“One of the achievements I'm most proud of in my career is being the voice of victims, particularly those affected by ongoing family harm, and ensuring that offenders are remanded in custody. Family harm cases can be especially challenging due to the sensitive nature of the issues involved and the vulnerability of the victims. It's a privilege to stand up for those who may feel voiceless and vulnerable, and to work towards securing their safety and wellbeing.

“Being able to make a difference in the lives of victims and contribute to the prevention family harm is one of the achievements I cherish most in my career. It underscores my commitment to serving justice and protecting the most vulnerable members of our community.”

Advice for other students
Jasween – who graduated from AUT in 2023 and is proud of being recognised on the dean's list – has some great advice for other students.

“Embrace every moment of your journey with enthusiasm, determination and an open heart. Your time at AUT isn’t just about earning a degree; it's about discovering your passions, unlocking your potential and shaping you into the person you aspire to become. Remember that success isn’t measured solely by grades or accolades, but by the impact you make in the lives of others and your community. Stay true to your values, follow your passions, and never underestimate the power of perseverance and resilience.

“Seize every opportunity that comes your way, whether it's participating in extracurricular activities, engaging with professors, or pursuing internships and research opportunities. These experiences will not only enrich your education but also broaden your horizons and prepare you for the challenges and opportunities ahead.”

Her other piece of advice is to approach any setbacks with curiosity, humility and resilience.

“I wasn’t an A+ student myself, but I think that you have to tumble and fall before you learn how to walk and then run. Remember that every challenge you encounter is an opportunity to learn, grow and, ultimately, to thrive. Your journey at AUT isn’t defined by the obstacles you face, but by the courage, determination and resilience you demonstrate in overcoming them.”