James Hickey

James Hickey

Oral Health Therapist, Auckland Regional Dental Services (ARDS), Te Whatu Ora – Waitemata District Health Board
Bachelor of Health Science (Oral Health)

He loves that his job enables him to educate and support children on their oral health journey, says health sciences alumnus James Hickey who now works as an oral health therapist.

“I work with children from birth to Year 8 and am responsible for providing comprehensive dental care. This includes thorough dental examinations, preventive treatments and restorative dental procedures. My main goal as an oral health therapist is to prevent or treat dental cavities and other dental issues, so all the children can have healthy confident smiles.

“It’s heart-wrenching to see children suffer from dental pain, which often leads to sleepless nights and significant distress for both the child and their family. As an oral health therapist, I have the knowledge to diagnose and treat the underlying causes of this pain. By providing effective treatments, I can help them return to a pain-free state. It makes me proud to work in one of the first health professions that a child will ever visit and remember. I play a massive role in how children perceive the healthcare professions, and their attitude towards overall health and wellbeing.”

As well as seeing his young patients return to pain-free lives, James is also proud of the significant growth he has had in his career so far.

“When I first started my journey as an oral health therapist, I was passionate but often uncertain about my abilities. Through dedicated practice, continuous learning and invaluable experiences, I’ve developed a strong sense of self-assurance. On a personal level, this journey has been transformative. I’ve become more resilient and adaptable, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. My self-confidence has positively impacted my interactions with colleagues, enabling me to contribute effectively to team discussions and collaborative efforts.”

Feeling inspired
For James, it was his own experiences at the dentist when he was a boy that inspired him to consider a career in oral health himself.

“I was inspired by my dental hygienist. Hearing about what she would do day to day really excited me about this career. Once I began asking her lots of questions about the role and degree, I knew this was for me. Graduating with this degree opens doors to diverse roles including becoming a dental hygienist, an oral health therapist or assisting orthodontists in their practice. A little later, I also had the valuable opportunity to shadow an oral health therapist for a day at a local school, and the experience inspired me even more. I wanted to contribute meaningfully to patient care and community health initiatives.

“To help me achieve my goal, I then chose to study oral health at AUT because of its reputation for providing comprehensive and practical education in healthcare fields. AUT's programme offered a strong curriculum that combined theoretical knowledge with hands-on clinical experience, which was crucial for preparing me to become a competent oral health professional. Additionally, studying at AUT meant I was studying in the biggest city in New Zealand. This provided more opportunities to network with professionals in dentistry and access a broader range of job prospects upon graduation.”

He had plenty of highlights throughout his time at AUT.

“One highlight was living in the student accommodation during my first year, which offered me a valuable opportunity to meet new people and expand my social circle. Another highlight of my time at AUT was the satisfaction of pushing myself to achieve the academic results I aimed for. Despite facing difficulties, I remained resilient, seeking help when needed and staying committed to my studies. This journey of pushing my limits not only enhanced my academic performance but also strengthened my confidence and self-discipline.

“Tanya Cleland, one of my lecturers, really sparked my passion to get where I am today. Her enthusiasm for the subject and her ability to make complex concepts become more understandable, truly ignited my passion for learning.  She made every lecture an exciting opportunity to learn and grow. Tanya made me realise that a career in oral health is not just about treating teeth but about improving overall health and wellbeing, fostering better health outcomes and making a meaningful difference in the community.”

Advice for other students
James – who graduated from AUT at the end of 2023 – has some great advice for other students.

“My advice to future AUT students is to not stress over the small things. Take each day as it comes and try to stay positive and hopeful, even when things seem challenging. Believe in yourself and make your dreams a reality. When I started my degree, I was nervous and unsure, but I believed in myself and persevered. As a result, I graduated with a degree in a profession that I love. Trust the process, stay focused, and you will achieve your goals.”

There is a particular quote he lives by.

“A quote I always stand by is from the movie Shawshank Redemption, ‘Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies’.  Believing that your hard work will lead to a rewarding career can sustain you through difficult exams, long study sessions and clinical practice.”