Hyerin Song

Hyerin Song

1st-year student, Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)

Watching her parents on medical missions inspired her to pursue a healthcare career herself, says Hyerin Song who came to AUT as an international student from South Korea to study a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing).

“When I was a child, I accompanied my parents, who are medical professionals, on various overseas medical missions. During a time when I was pondering my future career path, I had the opportunity to join a medical mission in Laos. Witnessing the admirable dedication of my parents and colleagues during this mission deeply influenced me. After seeing their selflessness, I aspired to emulate their commitment and felt inspired to become a healthcare professional involved in assisting people as I believe I’m meant to contribute positively to this world.

“After graduation, my goal is to become a nurse and work in a hospital where I can assist and care for people. I specifically aspire to work in the neonatal intensive care unit because I’ve long dreamt of working with young children. I want to provide the same love and care that mothers give to their newborns, and want to help in the treatment of premature babies. My passion lies in making a difference in the lives of these little ones.”

When she was exploring her study options she soon felt herself drawn to AUT in Auckland.

“While researching various universities in New Zealand, I discovered that AUT is renowned for its nursing programme. I chose AUT because it offers a high standard of education and extensive practical training, which ensures that graduates are equipped with practical knowledge and experience to excel as nurses upon graduation. I was also fortunate to be awarded an AUT International Scholarship – North Asia and I’m grateful for this support.”

Progressing towards becoming a nurse
Hyerin says she particularly enjoys the practical experiences that are part of her studies.

“Studying anatomy and learning about the intricate interactions of various body parts in the human body has been fascinating, but what truly excites me is the lab classes where I can prepare for practical experiences and learn hands-on. I feel a great sense of pride and achievement when I realise that I’m progressing towards becoming a nurse who can provide healthcare services to people.”

She considers living the life of an international student to be truly remarkable.

“I’ve loved the opportunity to meet people from diverse cultures and languages. As a student at AUT, I find joy in interacting with various students and educators during lectures, tutorials and lab classes. Building friendships and engaging in diverse conversations with them brings me happiness as I learn new wisdom through these interactions. I’d highly recommend AUT to students for its opportunities and for having an educational approach that fosters students' growth through practical experiences and lab classes.”

Advice for other students
With her first year of study in New Zealand almost complete, Hyerin has some great advice for other international students.

“My advice to new international students thinking about studying abroad is to embrace challenges without fear. Living as an international student includes navigating everything anew, however overcoming each of these moments will lead to significant personal growth. With each challenge I’ve overcome, I’ve discovered new capabilities within myself.”

Her other piece of advice is to ask for help if you need it.

“Don't be afraid to seek help and ask questions. Initially, I tried to tackle everything on my own, but eventually I realised the importance of reaching out for assistance. Asking for help has been crucial in navigating my studies successfully.”