Hadley Rawling

Hadley Rawling

Educational Assistant, Elizabeth Rummel School, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary)

Having the opportunity to travel somewhere new and receive her teaching degree at the same time was very appealing, says Hadley Rawling who came to AUT as an international student from Canada to study a Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary).

“All my life I’ve wanted to teach, and I was so grateful for this adventure and being able to come to New Zealand for this part of my studies. I also appreciated how open and helpful AUT was in getting my visa application sorted, especially with all the craziness COVID-19 brought.”

Hadley says she had long dreamt of coming to New Zealand.

“I had heard such amazing things about New Zealand and all of the outdoor opportunities that it holds – beaches, mountains, volcanoes, rain forest, sand dunes and so much more. And all of this is available within a driving distance. Coming from a large country like Canada, it was shocking and appealing to be able to really soak in all of New Zealand in such a short period of time.”

Making the most of studying in Auckland
The teaching practicums as part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning were the highlights of her studies at AUT, Hadley says.

“Being in the classroom just felt right; reassuring my desire to teach. It also allowed me to create such wonderful connections to the tamariki (children) in my class and feel like a part of the school community. I was also fortunate enough to travel outside of Auckland to complete my second practicum. That was a highlight of my time here, allowing me to immerse myself in smaller town New Zealand culture through things like farming, being involved in school and whānau (family) events, and even seeing a real Kiwi.”

In addition to her studies, she also managed to take advantage of weekends and breaks to get out camping and travelling, and see as much of New Zealand as she could.

“Auckland is a very accessible city, and almost everything in the CBD is within walking distance. I’ve also enjoyed getting to experience many different cultures through the diversity that exists in Auckland. I enjoy its temperate climate. Even in the winter it never got that cold, allowing beach trips and weekend camping to take place all year round.

“I’d recommend AUT’s teacher education programmes to others. The combination of opportunities to travel outside Auckland for practicums, support throughout the practicums from the academic staff, the smaller class sizes, feeling heard by the academic staff, and all the help and opportunities they provide – it all makes me confident in recommending this programme to others.”

The next step
After completing her studies in New Zealand in mid-2023, Hadley is now back in Canada and enjoys applying what she has learnt.

“With the help of CanTeach, I was able to transfer my teaching certification back to Canada. I’m currently working as an educational assistant in Canmore, Alberta, and am hoping to find a teaching position for the coming school year.”

Hadley’s advice for other students is simple: just say yes.

“When I was moving to Auckland for my studies, I taglined this as my year of ‘yes’ – a year of saying yes to almost anything that came my way. Doing this has opened the door for so many wonderful and unexpected adventures during my time in New Zealand.

“Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. There’s only growth in the discomfort.”