Grace Davis

Grace Davis

3rd-year student, Bachelor of Construction in Quantity Surveying

It was a recommendation from a family member that inspired her to consider quantity surveying as a career, says Grace Davis who is studying a Bachelor of Construction in Quantity Surveying.

“I was initially looking into studying accounting or economics as these were some of my best subjects in high school. But then a family member brought up the idea of quantity surveying. I had never even heard of it at the time but, as I learned more about it from people within the industry and spent a few days shadowing quantity surveyors on a construction project, I realised that I could envision myself doing this in the future.

“I like the practical side of quantity surveying and how involved you become in the whole construction process. I find it exceptionally motivating being able to see what you’re working on physically taking shape right in front of you, and being able to appreciate the crucial role your work plays in the project. I also love the people aspect of being based out on site and would love to carry on working in a similar environment after graduating.”

An enjoyable experience
Studying at AUT over the past couple years has been an immensely enjoyable experience, says Grace who is proud of being recognised as one of the top students over the last two years.

“The lecturers are extremely supportive and involved, often taking time after class or during their free time to help students, which shows their dedication and passion for helping students succeed. Knowing that I have so much support surrounding me has really made for an enjoyable university experience.

“I also really love how AUT strives to build connections between students through all the different social events throughout the semester, from markets to career expos and cultural events. These events have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people, and have helped me alleviate stress throughout the semester and create a healthy study-life balance.”

She says she would absolutely recommend studying at AUT.

“AUT offers a hands-on learning experience that encourages students to become more involved in their learning and apply theory to real-life scenarios, which will prepare them for dealing with similar situations in their future careers. That was one of the reasons I chose AUT – I had heard from previous students that AUT strives to involve students through practical work and supports them in finding career opportunities. The overwhelming support from lecturers and the student services also creates a welcoming learning environment.”

Advice for other students
Now in the final year of her studies, Grace has some great advice for other students.

“One piece of advice I’d give other students would be to attend as many lectures and tutorials as possible, and to come into university to study. I found it difficult to study at home with so many distractions, so I decided that when I had class, I’d come into university for the whole day and spend the time that I didn’t have class in the library working on my assignments.

“AUT provides silent study spaces that enable you to stay focused and maintain that study mindset, rather than trying to study at home and wasting valuable time procrastinating. I found this to be greatly beneficial as it enabled me to be able to slowly work on my assignments over multiple weeks, rather than trying to complete them all within a few days.”

Her other piece of advice is to ask for help if you need it.

“One challenge that I’ve faced while studying has been trying not to become overwhelmed by the amount of work that I must complete in a short span of time while also juggling external commitments. Thanks to the supportive lecturers at AUT and services provided by the university, I’ve been able to combat this by reaching out when I need support, and making the most of the services and resources to help me manage my time and commitments.”