Dewa Ibrahimkhil

Dewa Ibrahimkhil

2nd-year student, Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing)

She had a  desire to help others and make a positive difference in people's lives, says Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) student Dewa Ibrahimkhil.

“Nursing is one of the most respected professions, and the potential for a fulfilling and rewarding career in nursing can provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction in caring for others.

“My goal is to eventually become someone who can help people across the world who are in need and struggle because of their financial needs. I’m aiming to finish my bachelor's degree in nursing, then get my specialisation as a surgical nurse and later on carry on with my studies and become a nurse practitioner.”

Choosing AUT
Deciding to come to AUT for her studies was an easy decision for Dewa.

“I chose to study nursing at AUT because AUT is a well-regarded university, both nationally and internationally, known for its focus on practical and industry-relevant education, and its high-quality teaching and student support.

“I particularly enjoy the hands-on learning and practical experience through my clinical placements. I think this is the best thing about my studies – it can be both challenging and rewarding, however interacting with patients and providing care and support during their time in hospital or other healthcare settings is what I like the most in my studies.”

She is grateful that her studies are supported by a Sir Robert Jones Refugee Daughters Scholarship, says Dewa who was 17 when she arrived in New Zealand as a refugee from Afghanistan.

“This scholarship enabled me to feel secure and lay a good foundation, so that I can move forward and make a positive impact on other people’s lives. I’m very grateful for this investment into my future.”

Advice for other students
Now in the second year of her studies, Dewa has some great advice for other students.

“My advice is to set realistic goals, set learning goals, have a positive attitude and learn from your mistakes, and nothing is complicated in this life. Stay consistent in your studying and never give up!”

Studying nursing can be a challenging experience that can evoke many emotions, she adds.

“You may sometimes feel overwhelmed, stressed or unsure if you’re on the right path. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings and take a step back to reflect on why you chose to pursue this degree in the first place. Remembering your motivations and goals can help you stay focused and motivated, even during challenging moments.

“One approach that may be helpful is to take a moment to breathe deeply and clear your mind. This can help you feel more centred and calm, and allow you to approach the situation clearly. It may also be helpful to talk to someone you trust who can offer support and guidance. Remember that pursuing a nursing degree is a significant achievement, and requires dedication and hard work. It’s essential to keep in mind the rewarding and fulfilling aspects of the profession.”