Danielle Reeves

Danielle Reeves

3rd-year student, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

She has long been interested in science, says Danielle Reeves who is currently in the third year of her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.

“I’ve always had a particular interest for science during high school, which ultimately led to me entering into a science degree here at AUT. Initially, I studied biomedical science but during my first year realised I had much more of a love for chemistry as it incorporates all aspects of science. Chemistry plays a huge role in shaping and understanding the world around me, which made me realise just how incredible even the seemingly insignificant things were. This inspired me change my major.”

That was a decision she certainly hasn’t regretted.

“I’ve loved learning everything about Chemistry – from understanding fundamental principles to extending this knowledge into different aspects like organic, physical and inorganic chemistry. Finally, the opportunity to put this theoretical knowledge into practice during the lab sessions is always intriguing and a great way to gain hands-on experience. When I graduate, I’d like to end up somewhere that incorporates green chemistry as I’d love to make a positive impact in my field.”

Choosing AUT
Danielle says coming to AUT for her studies was an easy decision.

“I had heard really good things about AUT; not only for the opportunities and programmes available, but also about the support and student life AUT offers. When I was offered an AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarship it really brought everything together and made my final decision easy. My scholarship took some financial pressure off and allowed me to focus more heavily on my studies without having to work during studying. It also covered my first-year accommodation, which was extremely convenient.”

She wouldn’t hesitate to recommend AUT to others.

“You get to learn something you’re passionate about in a non-toxic environment where there’s ample support from people who are keen to help you succeed. There are tons of opportunities to get involved in different communities and groups, which enables you to meet people with similar interests and do things you’re passionate about. These all make AUT a great option; not just for the learning environment, but for the opportunities to get involved in many different things.

“I’ve loved meeting some awesome people who have the same interests. That has made the experience much more enjoyable. The scholarship students were also given the opportunity to interact, allowing me to meet others to learn about their endeavours. I’ve very much enjoyed the environment at uni as it’s extremely supportive and friendly.”

Advice for other students
Danielle – who expects to graduate at the end of the year – has some great advice for other students.

“My advice for future students is not to be afraid to change majors if you’re unsure about what you’re studying. The last thing you need is to end up doing something you don’t like for the rest of your life! Make sure you try different things and go for the one you’re most passionate about.

“When I was changing majors, I found talking to my lecturers was very easy and helped me decide where to go. The AUT staff also helped me figure out which classes I should be taking to switch my major, which made the experience much less stressful.”

She also has some specific advice for applying for university scholarships.

“If you’re writing a cover letter, you should put in the time and effort to perfect it. This is important as it may just be the deciding factor for achieving the scholarship or not. Effort is always apparent in these situations.”