Britney D’Souza

Britney D’Souza

Graduate Analyst, The Treasury – Te Tai Ōhanga, Wellington
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in Social Sciences & Bachelor of Laws

The Treasury is an incredibly supportive and empowering environment to work in, says Britney D’Souza who now works as a graduate analyst after completing degrees in international studies and law.

“Even as a graduate, my insights and analysis are valued because the Treasury wants diversity of thought and to ensure that our work has taken into account a broad range of perspectives. By the end of my first week, I was already involved in this year’s Budget and since then have been fortunate enough to be part of some incredibly significant policy work.”

She loves getting to experience how government works.

“While the role can be challenging and affords a high degree of influence and responsibility, it has also given me a unique insight into the machinery of government that I wouldn’t have been able to experience in other parts of the public sector.”

Achieving her future goals
She had always wanted to make a positive impact on society, says Britney whose studies at AUT were supported by an AUT School Leavers Scholarship for Academic Excellence and the AUT Undergraduate Scholarship for Significant Students.

“I wanted the work that I do and the actions that I take make the world a better place to live in. I chose to study international studies and social sciences because I wanted to become more culturally and socially insightful about our world and those within it. I chose law to transform my passion for social justice and problem-solving into a career.”

She selected AUT as the university to help her achieve her future goals and says she had plenty of highlights throughout the five years of her studies.

“One of the highlights for me was the Work Integrated Learning course. This workplace experience provides students with the opportunity to apply what they have learnt during their studies to a workplace environment. I completed my placement as a student advocate at AUT’s student association, and the experience, knowledge and skills I acquired not only gave me the confidence to apply for my position but also provided me with examples of how I can demonstrate my learnings in the role.

“Another highlight for me was being asked to be the graduate speaker at my graduation ceremony. Being able to acknowledge my family, friends, lecturers, tutors and classmates at the graduation event was an incredible honour and privilege.”

Advice for other students
A work-life balance is key to having an enjoyable university experience, Britney advises other students.

“I came to university with the mindset that I always had to be the best, and that anything less than perfection was unacceptable. I soon realised that AUT is different and that the best way to succeed is to work with your classmates, rather than against them.

“My advice is to attend all your lectures and tutorials, study hard, but also make friends, go out and try something new! There is so much that university has to offer, and since most of it is usually free, take advantage of it while you can.”

For her, participating in the student clubs was one of the highlights of her time at AUT.

“I was fortunate enough to be part of the AUT Scholars Society since my first year at AUT. I then served on the club executive for three years, including taking on the role of president in 2022. In my various roles, I helped provide events and opportunities to scholarship students, creating a warm and inviting space to navigate university. We organised a charity ball, beach clean-ups and open mic nights among many other events. I’m immensely grateful for my time on the executive.”