Briar Leith

Briar Leith

Partnership Executive, Hockey New Zealand
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in Public Relations

Ngāti Kahungunu

International relations have always fascinated her, says Briar Leith who studied a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in Public Relations and hopes to become a diplomat in the future.

“I’m very passionate about other cultures and languages. I attended Li Po Chun, an international school in Hong Kong, completed a year-long exchange at AFS in Argentina and have volunteered for the young professionals network for the Latin America New Zealand Business Council. One day, I hope to be a New Zealand ambassador or diplomat.”

Having been awarded a Prime Minister’s Scholarship to intern in Brazil, she is well on the road towards achieving this goal.

“I was awarded the Prime Minister’s Scholarship to live in Brazil for six months. I embark on this opportunity in September this year, and will be completing a Portuguese language course and an internship with GoBrazil in Maceio.”

Finding her path
With such a strong passion for international relations, for Briar it was an easy decision to study a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies, especially since the degree also included practical workplace experience.

“When I was looking into studying after taking a gap year, AUT stood out because the degree included a semester of practical learning through the workplace experience component. That was definitely one of the highlights of my studies as I was extremely fortunate to be placed at the Blues Rugby. This opportunity helped grow my network and join a dynamic workplace environment where my passion for sport off the field came alive. It was a career path that I hadn’t considered until my placement and was a pivotal stepping stone to my role with Hockey New Zealand.”

Currently working as a partnership executive for Hockey Mew Zealand until she heads to Brazil later this year, Briar loves overseeing the organisation’s marketing and communications efforts.

“My role involves nurturing relationships with sponsors, facilitating international and domestic events, and contributing across various departments within our organisation. My favourite element of my role is organising international test matches and seeing it all come to life. Working with people is my strength, so I enjoy my day-to-day interactions and connecting with the wider community.

“Some of the career highlights I’ve had so far include being selected to participate in Whanake o te Kōpara, a leadership development programme for young women initiated by Women in Sport Aotearoa (WISPA). This experience has been both personally and professionally rewarding. Another highlight involves the meaningful relationship I’ve built with Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Te Raki Paewhenua, which has provided an avenue for impactful engagement. This included our Black Sticks Women taking senior students through an enriching hockey session and donating Kookaburra hockey gear. I’m proud of these moments not just for personal growth but also for the opportunity to enrich others' experiences.”

Advice for other students
Briar – who graduated from AUT in 2022 – has some great advice for other students who are only at the start of their own university journey.

“Be open minded and actively on the lookout for opportunities to further develop yourself personally and professionally.”

Don’t underestimate the importance of networking, she adds.

“Your network is your net worth. I realised the power of connections while I was at AUT thanks to my lecturer who encouraged me to reach out to an unknown LinkedIn contact who is an expert in their field and ask them questions about their career. This interaction has truly shaped my career to date.”¬