Biby Kurian

Biby Kurian

Charge Nurse Manager, Kidz First Medical, Counties Manukau District, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand
Master of Health Practice in Child Health

She has been passionate about working with children for over two decades, says Biby Kurian who completed a Master of Health Practice in Child Health and loves making a positive difference to the children she cares for through her work at Kidz First Medical in Counties Manukau.

“It brings me great satisfaction to see the children I care for recover from sickness. I understand the vulnerability of the children living in South Auckland and the crucial need to support them in achieving better health outcomes.

“As a charge nurse manager, I enjoy leading my colleagues and love collaborating to provide safe, high-quality and family-centered care for the children of South Auckland.”

A passion for providing the best care
Because she had completed her nursing training in her home country India before moving to New Zealand, Biby says she was eager to take on postgraduate study in child health to help her better understand the needs of her young patients.

“As an overseas-trained nurse, I initially had no understanding of the culture and socio economic status of children in New Zealand, and specifically in South Auckland. I was confident that pursuing postgraduate study would enhance my knowledge of the New Zealand health system and how to provide equitable care for our patients.

“I chose AUT for my studies because I heard the tutors and supervisors are very supportive, which is crucial for me as an overseas nurse needing extra assistance. Additionally, AUT is conveniently close to home and is known for treating everyone equally.”

Returning to study in a new country, with a different education system, and trying to fit her studies around her already busy life had its challenges, she admits.

“For me, the biggest challenge of returning to study in New Zealand was adapting to a new academic curriculum and tackling assignments. It was a real struggle to juggle a full-time job, family responsibilities and studying. There were moments when I considered quitting, but the unwavering encouragement from my AUT supervisor made all the difference. I’m also grateful for the support from the student advisors and assistance to help me improve my writing skills for assignments at the beginning of my postgrad education.”

Advice for other students
Biby, who graduated from AUT at the end of 2023, has some great advice for other students.

“My advice is to plan your work ahead of time to avoid a last minute rush and unnecessary stress.”

Make sure you talk to your lecturers if you have any concerns, she adds.

“Maintain open communication with your supervisors and tutors when you’re facing any challenges. Once when I told my supervisor about my plan to quit my studies as it was becoming a bit overwhelming, she promised to drag me to the stage on graduation day and then vividly described the pride I would feel standing there with my certificate.”