We support students who have a mental health diagnosis and acknowledge that there is a range of mental health difficulties that may be lessened with a suitable academic accommodation plan.
You can access:
Contact us to determine what you might need to remove the barriers preventing you from fully participating in your studies.
If you've been diagnosed with a mental health condition, please provide a letter of verification from your GP or a registered professional.
If you don’t have a diagnosis but think there is something that is impacting your study and causing you difficulties, you can talk with your GP or an AUT counsellor or mental health advisor – this is not a diagnostic service, but if you're seeking a diagnosis, the advisor will guide you through the process.
You can contact us in the way that best suits you. For any question relating to Disability Support Services:
Phone: +64 9 921 9210
Email: disability.office@aut.ac.nz