Unconfirmed results for the AUT courses you're studying are usually available within two weeks of the end of semester and can be accessed online through Arion.
To view your results in Arion:
If you have any queries regarding your results, contact the AUT Student Hub.
You can apply for a reconsideration of your marked work, at the time your work is returned or within the time designated for reconsideration by completing a Reconsideration of Assessment form.
Reconsideration of Assessment form
The following grading system is used to record assessment outcomes for course:
'DS' denotes a student receiving a final grade of 'D' for a course completed during a period of university-wide disrupted study and 'DSN' denotes a student receiving a final grade of 'DNC' for a course completed during a period of university-wide disrupted study. The 'DS' and 'DSN' grades will be excluded from a student’s GPA calculation and may not impact on a student’s progression.
Need help or have a question?
Contact the Student Hub throughout your studies at AUT.
Email: studenthub@aut.ac.nz
Phone: 0800 288 864
Contact us online