
You may need to sit a final exam for the course(s) you're studying at AUT. Not all courses will have a final exam. Your course material will outline if your course includes a final exam or if you need to complete other types of assessments.

What to expect if you have a final exam

The information below is provided as general advice and refers to final exams, which normally happen at the end of each semester.

Exams can be:

  • Paper-based (WRITTEN) or computer-based (CMPTR)
  • In person on campus, or online off campus.

The format of your exam may vary depending on your faculty and programme. You can see the format and type of your exams on your faculty or school Canvas page, in the 'Examinations' tab.

Exams must be completed individually - you must not collaborate, plagiarise, copy or use online contract-cheating platforms.

These are a breach of academic regulations.

Find out more in the AUT Calendar

If you want to know more about exams and assessments refer to the Academic Regulations section of the AUT Calendar.

  • Once the exam has started, you’ll have time for reading and time to complete the exam - read the instructions carefully and listen to the exam supervisor
  • Check the summary table in the exam instructions and note the time suggested to solve each question. A clock is set by the exam supervisor and will show on the screen – keep an eye on this to give yourself enough time to complete the exam
  • Work out how you're going to divide your time between the sections and questions (checking the suggested time per question in the summary table on the instruction page) and remember to incorporate time for proofreading your answers at the end
  • If you're completing the exam on a computer, save your work regularly, and don't leave the exam before saving and submitting it

Report any technical issues immediately

Exams are supervised by an exam supervisor. Let them know immediately if you have any technical issues with your exam submission on Canvas.

The AUT Student Hub can provide you with information about exam support.

Find out about exam support for students with a disability or impairment

Be prepared for your final exams

  • Check your faculty or school Canvas pages for your exam timetable and other updates
  • Check and recheck the date and time of your exam, and make a note of it so you don't miss it. Getting the exam date/time wrong is not grounds to apply for special consideration
  • Get in touch with your course coordinator or the University Examinations Office if you need more info or additional materials. You may also be referred to other AUT departments who can assist you
  • Exam room locations will be posted in the AUT App and Canvas (in the examination tab) within 24 hours of the exam’s scheduled start time. Scan the QR codes around the campus for the exact exam room locations
  • Bring your physical student ID with you to your exam room – digital versions of your ID (like in the AUT App or photos of your ID) won't be accepted. You must identify yourself if asked by the exam supervisor
  • You must follow the instructions of the exam supervisor, and you must not disturb the activities of other students sitting the exam
  • Avoid making travel arrangements during the entirety of the examination period

What to do if you can't sit a test or an exam

​​​At some point in your study - for reasons out of your control - you may not be able to sit a scheduled exam. If this happens, contact your lecturer, programme leader or programme administrator and let them know as soon as possible or within 5 days of the exam date. They will advise you on what to do.

If you don't have a valid reason for missing the exam or have not ​notified the teaching department within the required time, you will receive a failing grade for your examination. ​

Applying for special consideration

Your ability to attempt or prepare for an assessment may be seriously affected by exceptional circumstances beyond your control. If this happens, you can apply for special consideration for that assessment.

Your exam results: hand back, review and reconsideration

Exam hand back and review (where you receive a copy of your marked and graded exam) happens in the semester break following your exam. Times may vary – check Canvas for details.

You can apply for a reconsideration of your marked work when your work is returned or within the time designated for reconsideration by completing a Reconsideration of Assessment Form. This process is run under exam conditions and provides students with an opportunity to apply for a reconsideration of their assessment grade/marks.

If you don't attend the scheduled hand back, review and reconsideration, you won't get a chance to apply for any reconsideration of marks in the future.

Any presentation, oral, practical, or online/computer-based assessments/exams held during final exam weeks won't be available for review/reconsideration. Contact your lecturer to find out more about these assessments/exams.

Reasons for reconsideration of assessment grade/mark

If you think a mistake has been made in determining a grade/mark, you can apply for a reconsideration if you believe:

  • Marks have been added incorrectly
  • There is an irregularity between the marking criteria and grade/mark

You should clearly describe why you're applying for reconsideration when you complete a Reconsideration of Assessment Form.

Applying for reconsideration of a grade/mark involves a re-marking of all sections/questions of the final assessment that contribute to the final grade/mark and a re-calculation of marks. As a result, your grade/mark may be unchanged, raised or lowered.

Contact us

The Hub

Need help or have a question?

Contact the Student Hub throughout your studies at AUT.

Email: studenthub@aut.ac.nz
Phone: 0800 288 864
Contact us online

Hub hours

Where to find your exam details?

  • Exam timetable and other updates: Canvas
  • Room locations: AUT App and Canvas (within 24 hours of the scheduled exam start time)

Find out more in the AUT Calendar

If you want to know more about exams and assessments refer to the Academic Regulations section of the AUT Calendar.

AUT Calendar