Appealing a final result or other assessment board decision

If you need to make an appeal against a decision by the assessment board, this should be made in accordance with the General Academic Regulations, as outlined in the AUT Calendar under Part 6 Academic Appeals.

The content on this page is a summary only. For a full description of guidelines and processes refer to the AUT Calendar.

AUT Calendar

Appeals against results

You may appeal against the final result determined by the assessment board in respect of a course if:

  • It can be shown that additional information has become available which was not available, and could not reasonably have been made available, to the assessment board at the time it made its original decision
  • There was a material irregularity in the conduct of the assessment, or in the assessment board or board of studies procedures

Any appeal against a final result must be lodged with the relevant faculty dean (or nominee) within 14 days of the time at which the final result of the course was made available to the student by filling in and submitting that faculty's Academic Appeal Form.

Download Academic Appeal Form

Thesis appeals

You may appeal against an assessment decision for a thesis, whether at the first examination or re-examination, and request a review of the examiners' recommendations.

For doctoral degrees and Master of Philosophy, any such appeal must be lodged with the University Postgraduate Research Board within one month of the date of notification of the result.

For all other postgraduate qualifications, any such appeal must be lodged with the respective faulty within one month of the date of notification of the result.

Requests for review are permitted if:

  • It can be shown that additional information has become available which was not available, and could not reasonably have been made available, to the assessment board at the time it made its original decision
  • There was a material irregularity in the conduct of the assessment, or in the examination board or board of studies procedures

You may also appeal against an assessment decision for a thesis, whether at the first examination or re-examination, and request a review of the examiners' recommendations.

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AUT Students' Association (AUTSA) has advocates who are employed to provide advice and support. You're welcome to contact them if you're having difficulties with the process or feel the outcome of your Special Consideration Application was unfair.

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