Immunisation, vaccines and staying healthy while studying

Serious illness can have a big impact on your ability to complete your studies. Here at AUT, we’re committed to making sure your health, safety and wellbeing are the best they can be while you're studying with us.

Protect yourself from preventable diseases

The Immunisation Advisory Centre and AUT have developed an important fact sheet, outlining how you can help protect yourself from a number of preventable diseases including measles, mumps and rubella, influenza, chicken pox and meningococcal disease.​

There’s also information available to support AUT students who are enrolled in clinical programmes, where there’s an increased risk of contracting and spreading infectious diseases.

Staying healthy while studying fact sheet (Immunisation Advisory Centre website)

Your wellbeing

We encourage you to take a holistic approach to your health, understand how your physical, mental, spiritual and social health form the cornerstones of your wellbeing.

Find out more

Meningococcal disease

Meningococcal disease is a very serious bacterial infection that can become deadly in just a few hours or leave long-term complications. Young people living together are at higher risk of transmission. Vaccination protects you against the most common strains of Meningococcal disease. Students under 25 may be eligible for free vaccination depending on their living arrangement.

Talk to your doctor or contact the nurse at AUT Student Medical Centre on +64 9 921 9992.

You can contact us whether or not you're enrolled at the Student Medical Centre.


Vaccines are the strongest protection we currently have against COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is free and available at vaccination centres across the country, to everyone living in New Zealand.

The flu

The flu virus affects your whole body. Symptoms of the flu, which are much like COVID-19, come on suddenly and can include fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath and an upset stomach.

The flu vaccine is available during the winter months. Getting the flu vaccine is your best defence against the virus and protects you and your whānau from becoming sick. The cost is $25 for domestic students and $30 for international students. It is free if your medical condition puts you at a greater risk (pregnancy, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, reduced immunity, specific mental health conditions or addiction issues).

To book your flu vaccine:


Measles is among the most contagious viral disease known. An infected person is unknowingly spreading the virus four days before ​they develop the measles rash, and 9 out of 10 unprotected people coming into contact with an infected person will get sick. ​The virus can also still make you sick two hours ​after the infected person has left the room.

What do I need to look for?

  • Measles starts with a fever, red eyes, cough and runny nose
  • About three days later, a red rash starts on the face and spreads down the body

Next steps

  • Have you been immunised? Vaccinations are free. To be protected, you need to have had two mumps, measles and rubella vaccinations. Check with your doctor (GP) or ask your parent/s or caregiver/s.
  • If you’re feeling unwell, isolate yourself and phone Healthline on 0800 611 116
  • Do not come into any of the three AUT campuses – stay at home​


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is very common and easy to catch, most sexually active people will contract this viral infection at some stage in their life. You can catch the virus just through sexual touching, without even having intercourse. Many people who have HPV don’t show any signs of it and pass it on unknowingly.

The HPV vaccine helps protect against the types of HPV that are known to cause cancers and genital warts. It is one of the most effective ways to help protect against HPV. Most New Zealanders receive this vaccination in middle school. If you haven't, vaccination is free for all domestic students aged 26 and under.

AUT Student Medical Centres

City Campus +64 9 921 9992
North Campus +64 9 921 9998

Make a booking


Appointments are free for domestic AUT students enrolled at the Student Medical Centre.

Fees may apply for other students.



Our clinics are closed weekends and public holidays. There are number of after-hours options depending on the emergency.

If your concerns are life-threatening dial 111 for an ambulance.