Make an appointment with a counsellor or mental health advisor

As an AUT student, you can make a free face to face, phone or video appointment with a counsellor or mental health advisor. Talk to us about your appointment needs so we can ensure you have the appropriate booking.

Who can make a counselling or mental health support appointment

We offer free counselling and mental health support to all current AUT students based in New Zealand:

  • Based in Auckland? Face to face, phone or video appointments
  • Living elsewhere in New Zealand? Phone or video appointments

Studying outside New Zealand? You need to access counselling or mental health services in the country you're living in. Unfortunately, we can't provide counselling and mental health services if you're not in New Zealand.

How to book your appointment

Appointment bookings are made using the online form only.


You should have your student ID number ready when you're booking your appointment.

Session length

  • ​​Sessions are generally 50 minutes.
  • Most people usually need 1-3 sessions.​

When you can make an appointment

We are available Monday to Friday between 8.30am - 4.30pm.

You could also explore:

​How much it costs

  • ​​Free for all enrolled domestic ​AUT students
  • International students: The cost is covered by your insurance provider.

Confidentiality of counselling or mental health support sessions

    Your privacy and confidentiality is important to us.

  • Our team works in accordance with The Privacy Act (2020), The Health Information Privacy Code (2020), AUT polices and procedures, and our staff professional registration bodies’ Code of Ethics
  • Your written notes from counselling and mental health sessions are kept in a secure environment and are usually only shared with your knowledge and permission.
  • Exceptions to confidentiality may occur if there is a concern for your or any other persons’ safety; in these cases we will discuss this with you
  • If we share information or refer you to any other professional either internally within AUT or externally we will discuss this with you first and be clear about what information we will be sharing
  • You can request a copy of your counselling/mental health notes at any time
  • If you have any concerns or questions about your personal information, you should speak with your counsellor or mental health advisor

Book an appointment

AUT students can make a free face-to-face, phone or video appointment with a counsellor or mental health advisor.


Contact us

General enquiries
Phone: +64 9 921 9292

City Campus: Level 2, WB Building
North Campus: AE112, AE Building
South Campus: MB107a & MB107b

Lifeline 24 Hour Support:
0800 543 354
Central Auckland Crisis Team:
0800 800 717

Feedback or questions
Email the manager directly if you have feedback, complaints, compliments, questions or ideas:

Meet our team

Counselling Team 2023

Find out more about our experienced and caring counsellors and mental health advisors.