Find out more about the free counselling services and mental health support AUT offers for students based in New Zealand, read more about our team and how to book a counselling or mental health support appointment.
You can also call or text 1737 for free any time of the day or night to speak to a trained counsellor.
An alternative to face-to-face counselling, Puāwaitanga is an external service that is offering private and confidential counselling sessions by phone.
HELP Auckland provides support for sexual abuse survivors. A HELP Auckland counsellor is at the City Campus (WB233) on Thursdays 10am-1pm. All conversations are confidential.
AUT students can make a free face-to-face, phone or video appointment with a counsellor or mental health advisor.
General enquiries
Phone: +64 9 921 9292
City Campus: Level 2, WB Building
North Campus: AE112, AE Building
South Campus: MB107a & MB107b
Lifeline 24 Hour Support:
0800 543 354
Central Auckland Crisis Team:
0800 800 717
Feedback or questions
Email the manager directly if you have feedback, complaints, compliments, questions or ideas: