Bright Side’s self-leadership sessions are a series of 60-minute workshops where our coaches facilitate discussions and practical activities for you to explore self-leadership.
These workshops are free and open to all AUT students. If you’re completing the AUT Edge Award, these sessions will count towards your leadership hours.
Workshops are offered on a weekly basis on a range of topics.
An activity-based session that explores what causes our tendency to procrastinate and introduces a tool to enhance your awareness and ability to overcome it.
An activity-based session that explores which values are important to you and how to live in alignment with them.
Lama Saga
Cindy Wang
Stand out to employers with the AUT Edge Award by developing sought-after skills through volunteering, leadership and employability activities. Bright Side’s self-leadership sessions count towards your AUT Edge Award leadership hours.
Being well has a significant and positive impact on your studies. We encourage you to take a holistic approach to your health and understand how your physical, mental, spiritual and social health form the cornerstones of your wellbeing.
Want to find out more about how we can help you reach your potential?
Email the Bright Side team at: