Volunteering (Beyond AUT Award)

Volunteering is a key part of the Beyond AUT Award you can complete as a postgraduate student at AUT. It's a great way to feel rewarded by making a difference in your community while having fun and gaining valuable skills..

Complete 35 hours of volunteering

Your volunteering hours:

  • Must be done for recognised charities and community organisations in New Zealand*
  • Can include 15 hours of part-time work if it's external of AUT

*This should be outside of AUT (so not for AUTSA or any AUT clubs).

How to log your volunteering hours

Log your hours as you go via Elab Online. You can also log half hours.

What you could do

  • Being part of a beach clean-up
  • Helping with a reading programme or similar in a school setting
  • Doing the accounts for a charity
  • Helping out at a local animal refuge
  • Street collecting for a recognised charity
  • Working as a volunteer first aid or paramedic at a sports game or event
  • Working as a volunteer surf lifeguard
  • Volunteering for an op shop
  • Helping make lunches for Eat My Lunch or food for local school breakfast clubs

Useful volunteering websites and charities

The following links take you to volunteer organisations that advertise for volunteers, but there are many other charities that keen to have volunteers. Don't be afraid to offer your help to a charity you believe in – just check with the AUT Employability and Careers team first if they're not on our list.

Websites that list volunteer organisations

Charities that offer volunteering opportunities

Book an info session

Want to find out more about this award? Go to Elab Online, click on ‘Events’ and book into an information session.

It’s easy to log in – just choose ‘Current student’ and enter your AUT student ID number and password.


Other parts of this award

The Beyond AUT Award takes about 65 hours to complete. As well as volunteering you also need to complete:

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Beyond AUT Award, you can: