Student exchange terms and conditions

The terms and conditions detailed on this page are to ensure transparency of the requirements for students who participate in the AUT Global student exchange programme.

You must agree to these terms and conditions to be able to submit an application to be part of the exchange programme, so please read them carefully. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact

I agree that, if I am offered and accept a place on the AUT International Exchange Programme, I will:

  1. Abide by the decisions of AUT International and my Faculty in relation to this application and opportunity.
  2. Comply with all policies, procedures, rules, regulations and reasonable requirements of both Auckland University of Technology and the host university while on exchange.
  3. Comply with all host university country laws.
  4. Complete at least 120 points or a full-time year of study before the start of my exchange, and maintain at least a B grade/5.0GPA average. I understand that AUT International will check my most recent grades before my departure. If I no longer meet the criteria, I may be withdrawn from the exchange programme.
  5. Enrol in a full-time semester course load at the host university while on exchange.
  6. Return to AUT and continue with my qualification upon completion of my exchange.
  7. Obtain full medical, travel and liability insurance for the duration of my exchange before I depart New Zealand, and obtain any necessary vaccinations for my proposed destination.
  8. Attend any briefing sessions held by AUT International prior to my exchange commencing, and attend my host universities orientation and other mandatory exchange related activities.
  9. Be responsible for all costs relating to travelling and living overseas including but not limited to: visa, travel, medical and general insurance, accommodation, living and personal expenses, study materials, vaccinations.
  10. Be responsible for obtaining accommodation while overseas.
  11. Immediately notify both AUT International and my host university’s exchange office should I need to return to New Zealand earlier than planned.
  12. Represent AUT and New Zealand at my host university while on exchange. This may include attending promotional events for their exchange programme.
  13. Support AUT as an ambassador for the exchange programme upon my return.
  14. Complete required paperwork to inform AUT International of my travel itinerary and my arrival in the host country.
  15. Submit an exchange evaluation form no later than one month after the completion of my exchange.
  16. Update both AUT and my host university if personal details change at any time during my exchange, most notably contact details, residential address and emergency contact. I understand that AUT and my host university may contact my emergency contact if they have concerns about my wellbeing and/or safety.
  17. Notify AUT and my host university if I have concerns about my health, safety or wellbeing, my ability to continue study, or if I have any other concerns. I understand AUT may work with my host university to provide appropriate support and access to services as necessary. I acknowledge that the health (including mental health) of exchange students can be affected by living and studying overseas for a semester, and that notifying AUT and my host university about any problems is important so they can assist me as needed.
  18. Follow the written withdrawal procedure for AUT International if I wish to remove myself from the exchange programme.

I understand that:

  1. AUT will collect, store, use and disclose personal information about me in order to carry out its operations, functions and activities as a university and facilitate my exchange. This will be done so in accordance with AUT’s student privacy notice.
  2. I consent to AUT sharing information with my host university to facilitate my exchange and that I am aware that the host university’s country may have different laws to protect personal information than those within New Zealand.
  3. If I fail to comply with any of the above terms and conditions, or provide incorrect information, my exchange may be declined or terminated and I will accept full responsibility for the consequences of such a termination.

Contact us

Airplane in the sky

Get in touch if you have any questions about going on a student exchange with AUT Global while you're studying at AUT.
