The best decision ever

Mia Bolton explains why going on a student exchange was the best decision she ever made and what she loved about being immersed in US college life at San Diego State University.

Mia Bolton

Mia in San Diego

Why I chose my host uni:

The campus looked stunning online and surpassed all my expectations in person. San Diego State University (SDSU) offered all the classes I needed to cross-credit my courses. Overall, I was eager to experience the full American college life, and based on conversations with SDSU students and my online research, I knew it was the perfect place to achieve that.

How I found applying to my host uni:

The process was straightforward and easy. Although there was a lot of paperwork to complete, SDSU was very accessible. They have an excellent international student department. The application process was centralised through a special hub, simplifying everything. Required supporting documents included immunisation records, bank statements, transcripts and a statement of intent for attending SDSU. The visa process was also simple, and scheduling an embassy interview was easy. I successfully obtained a J1 Visa. You just have to ensure you’re organised, know the relevant deadlines and are on top of everything as it’s a lengthy process.

How I found learning in a different academic system:

The academic system at SDSU was quite different from what I was used to at AUT. Since high school, I hadn't taken any exams, but at SDSU, I had to frequently take exams, quizzes and complete assignments. This made it essential to stay on top of everything. Each professor teaches different content and assigns unique tasks, even for the same course, which I found interesting. Therefore, checking professor reviews was important.

To adapt to the new style of frequent exams, quizzes and smaller projects, I asked my professors a lot of questions. They were always very helpful. I also engaged with my classmates and sought their help. Fortunately, I had two fellow New Zealanders in my classes who had travelled to SDSU with me, and we supported each other throughout the semester.

What I gained from this experience:

Going on this exchange was the best decision I ever made. It offered a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a different educational system. This not only broadened my academic horizons but also exposed me to a range of diverse teaching methods and perspectives.

Living in a new country helped me develop so much independence. It was my first time living away from home. This independence taught me valuable life skills, from managing finances to cooking and maintaining a household. These are so important for personal development.

Cultural exposure is another significant benefit. Adapting to a new culture broadened my worldview, making me more open-minded and appreciative of diversity. I learned to navigate and respect different social norms and just loved being immersed in such a different college life culture. The exchange allowed me to make friends from all over the world I know I’ll be friends with forever, which is so special.

Additionally, it was the best way to step outside of my comfort zone – facing the challenges of living in a new environment helped my resilience and adaptability. The personal growth I received through the exchange experience is unparalleled. Both academically and personally, this exchange was life-changing and I would do anything to be able to do it all over again.

Top tips for other students

  1. Join a club or a sports team! It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests
  2. Talk to people in your classes. Don’t sit alone. Be confident (even if you aren’t). Mentioning you’re from another country is the best conversation starter
  3. Get a good routine going; this helped me feel at home
  4. The US is super expensive, so you really do have to save. Apply for scholarships if you can. This helped me significantly. Have a budget and be careful with money, but don’t be stingy and make the most of new experiences
Mia in San Diego
Mia in San Diego
Mia in San Diego
Mia in San Diego
Mia in San Diego

About Mia and her student exchange

AUT degree:
Bachelor of Business in Marketing & Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations

Host uni:
San Diego State University

Host country:

5 favourite things

Favourite place in my host city:
La Jolla and Sunset Cliffs –incredibly beautiful and I love the ocean

Best dish/food I tried:
Fast food: Cava and Wingstop. Restaurant: Din Tai Fung

Most useful thing I packed to take with me:
Packing cubes and my digital camera

Favourite thing about my host uni:
The people

Best trip I took outside of my host city:
Mexico and New York