Chit Ching Sunny Deng shares how her semester at Concordia University in Canada was a great way to experience a new culture and life in a bilingual city.
I wanted to live in a bilingual city and learn a new language when I’m there.
Applying to my host university was straightforward, but the course selection was complicated. It was difficult to find a course that matches with my AUT course as they have very different course structures. It’s important to communicate back and forth and make sure that the courses are fully approved before departing.
Also, I found it useful to get many courses approved beforehand, so there is still the option to drop and change courses when you’re there.
Since the exchange is only for a semester, you’ll only need to apply for an eTA visa online.
Concordia's system is quite different from AUT's. For example, students are required to take more courses, many of which are lecture-heavy, unlike AUT’s design courses which are workshop based.
Assessments are divided into smaller ones and are less in depth, but it allowed me to explore and create more projects.
Going on exchange was definitely the best decision I’ve made. Academically, I had the opportunity to explore a variety of courses and learn in a bilingual environment. Personally, it was my first time living away from home, which taught me independence and how to adapt to a new environment. Additionally, meeting and interacting with other students broadened my understanding of different cultures.
AUT degree:
Bachelor of Design Te Tohu Paetahi mō te Hoahoa in Communication Design
Host uni:
Concordia University
Host country:
Favourite place in my host city:
Old Port
Best dish/food I tried:
Fairmount Bagel
Most useful thing I packed to take with me:
Disposable camera
Favourite thing about my host uni:
Organising trips to other cities
Best trip I took outside of my host city:
Québec City