American college life in San Diego

Isobel Sturgin talks about how she made the most of her time at San Diego State University – from new friendships to experiences like Coachella, Rolling Loud and spring break.

Isobel Sturgin

Izzy in San Diego

Why I chose my host uni:

I was basically convinced to go by Mia Bolton who also came to San Diego State University from AUT. There’s nothing quite like the American college experience; the culture, the people and bucket list experiences like Coachella, Rolling Loud, spring break, baseball games, Greek life… It was my only chance to immerse myself in the American college life.

How I found applying to my host uni:

The process wasn’t too bad, but it’s a lot of admin and there’s a lot of money involved, so be prepared and start saving up as early as possible. It’s important to not miss any tiny steps because they help you get your visa and your DS-2019, so ensure you’re doing every step intentionally.

How I found learning in a different academic system:

A pass here is 50%, a pass there is 70% so be mindful. The work isn’t hard, but it's time-consuming. It’s very different compared to New Zealand’s education system so it’s a great opportunity to talk to professors. If you go there to complete part of your degree, take it seriously – you have plenty of time to party too.

What I gained from this experience:

It made me excited for what’s to come. It showed me that I haven’t met all the people and seen all the places that I’m going to eventually love yet. I think that makes me determined to see more of the world. I’ve created beautiful friendships with people I’ll go see in the future.

I feel like a highlight for me was that I got to meet a lot of international students who were in the same boat as me, so we had already broken the barrier of becoming friends because we had a shared interest of being abroad in America. The first day I got to America, my roommates picked me up and asked me if I wanted to go to Vegas with them in a month. Another highlight for me was that within a six-week period of spring break and exams I went to Rolling Loud, Cabo for spring break with 12 other international students at an all-inclusive resort and then Coachella. That was probably the most stressful but the most fun I've ever had. I went to Vegas with a different group of friends towards the end of the trip and I did a lot of road tripping around America, like Arizona, Utah, the Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon and Zion National Park.

At times, it may feel like you’re lonely but once you make friends (especially with other internationals), everything will fall into place. I also had amazing professors, so it opened my eyes and I really fell in love with my degree.

Top tips for other students

  1. Go to those silly events even if they seem cringe and scary – you might just find a bunch of others who go to those events to find people like you
  2. Don’t flake on opportunities – say yes to everything that happens
  3. If you want to go above and beyond, and travel before or after the exchange in America, save up more than the recommended amount. Don’t cheap out on awesome experiences. You’ll thank yourself later
Izzy abroad
Izzy abroad
Izzy abroad
Izzy abroad
Izzy abroad

About Isobel and her student exchange

AUT degree:
Bachelor of Business in Marketing & Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations

Host uni:
San Diego State University

Host country:

5 favourite things

Favourite place in my host city:
Coronado Island

Best dish/food I tried:
The Taco Stand and Wingstop

Most useful thing I packed to take with me:
My own pillows, towels, bedsheets & printed photos of my friends and family, so my room felt like mine

Favourite thing about my host uni:
The beautiful campus and the people I met

Best trip I took outside of my host city:
Mexico for spring break