Find a job online with our job boards

As an AUT student or graduate you can access two job boards offering internships, graduate roles and part-time work opportunities.

Where you can find a job online

NZUni Talent

Search for graduate roles and internships, then apply directly to the employer through NZUni Talent listings. These employers are specifically looking for New Zealand university interns and graduates across all New Zealand universities.

NZUni Talent jobs

International Jobs board

This is a job portal where overseas employers proactively target students and graduates studying at overseas universities. Employers often look for international students and permanent residents because they bring a unique set of skills, experience and knowledge.

International jobs can be an excellent way to gain global exposure and experience within your chosen field of study, whether you are a New Zealand permanent resident or an international student studying at AUT. Check that you meet all the visa and eligibility requirements before you apply.

International Jobs board

Other job boards

As well as these two AUT job boards, you should also keep an eye on SEEK, Prosple, GradConnection and LinkedIn when looking for graduate roles.

Want tips for landing that job? Read our blog

From how to write the perfect CV to how to stand out in the employment market, check out our Employability blog for great tips and advice to help you land your dream job.


Person studying at AUT

Contact us

WA202 Employability Lab Entrance

Drop into the Employability Lab or email us:

Locations on campus

Visit us at the Employability Lab at the City Campus in WA202.

We're also available at our other campuses by appointment only. Book at Elab Online

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Best university careers service

The AUT Employability and Career Services team took top honours in the NZ Association of Graduate Employers (NZAGE) Awards, winning the NZAGE Best Careers Service for 2022.