Stand out in the crowd to employers

How do you stand out in the crowd when you're at a career expo or employer presentation? Preparation and research are key - and one of the main the tools you can use is at your fingertips - your smart phone!

Get into employers' web space

Before attending a fair or presentation, check out who’s coming along, draw up a list of the companies you’re interested in, then find their website career page, their company social media accounts, and see if they have a LinkedIn company page. This information is gold for you to mine.
Are there any current vacancies, do they offer an internship or graduate programme? What is the company’s mission and values? Has the company been around a long time or is it a start-up?
This kind of research will open your eyes and provide valuable information to consider. You may think you want to work for a certain company but after doing a bit of research, you may decide it isn't the 'fit' for you. Alternatively, it may make you want to know more.'

Use your research

What did you find out when you researched companies? What stood out? Is there something about the company's values that you particularly like? What skills or experience can you offer them?
The biggest question to ask yourself is WHY? Why do you want to work for this company? Do you just want any job or is there something about this company that excites you?

Take advantage of LinkedIn

Make the most of LinkedIn (if you don’t have a profile, sign up for a workshop on how to set up a great LinkedIn profile). Look up profiles of people you’ve found on company websites and make a connection. BUT don’t just connect. Select ‘Add Note’ and write a message explaining why you would like to connect (eg will be at the career expo, interested in the industry, doing xxx qualification, like what their company does). Just connecting will not make you stand out. After the career expo or event, you can also connect to people that you’ve met at the event.

Tip: Did you know that 1 out of 3 people on the planet have a LinkedIn profile? That’s a lot of potential connections! Check out the social media presence and LinkedIn profile of people working in positions you are interested in pursuing.

Bring you to the table

Take the time to think about what you want to say and how you want to present yourself. What will you be wearing? What first impression do you want to make on potential employers? The old cliché is true – first impressions do count.
Make sure you dress professionally, smile, make eye contact and offer a firm handshake. Don’t try to be someone you’re not - bring YOU to the table. Find what works for you. Prepare, prepare, prepare in advance. Bring copies of your up-to-date CV that you can offer the people you talk with.

Get your intro right

casual discussion at AUT career expo

Have you got your elevator pitch ready? My what? Elevator pitch is the fancy professional term for a short formal but personal introduction. If you prepare one, then you are ready to say something of value about yourself during the first 30 seconds or so you have with an employer. What can you say about yourself, your study and your experience that would interest an employer?

This is where research really helps you. At a careers expo employers will be chatting to hundreds of students so you need to consider how you will make your mark. Don’t just talk about a job or how to get a job in their company because everyone asks that. Draw on the research you've done to have something insightful to ask about their organisation and why you are interested in them.

Ask away

Employers come to AUT to meet you and other students. They want to communicate with you, so don’t be afraid to ask questions. There is no such thing as a silly question.

A useful final question would be asking how they would like you to follow up with them after the event, particularly if they take your CV. Some recruiters prefer emails, some prefer phone calls, some will tell you to wait for them to call you. Many will suggest connecting on LinkedIn.  Also collect business cards or use QR codes if they are displayed during the event and make notes of the people you speak with and find interesting.

We can help

Employability and Careers banners at employer event

Throughout the year the employability and careers team run workshops to help you develop an elevator pitch, improve your CV, build a LinkedIn profile etc. They are really worth attending and can be done in person or online.

To book your place at workshops, employer presentations and career expos you simply sign up to Elab Online. Not sure how to do that? It's easy. Just choose 'Current student' and enter your student ID number and password.

If you’re on City Campus, you’re also very welcome to drop into the Employability Lab WA202 to get your CV checked or have a chat with one of our employability and career specialists. 

We encourage you to attend as many employer sessions as possible to take advantage of this access to employers. What’s stopping you from opening the door to your future now?

Top Tips for 2024 Career Expos blog

If you want to read more on career expos, check out Top Tips for 2024 Career Expos

Employability and Careers Blog

Find ideas on how to get better at job search through your CV or LinkedIn profile, learn from the feedback of employers, and be inspired by stories of AUT students and graduates as they network, go to job interviews and find their feet in their chosen career.

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