Gained heaps from AUT Employability services

A hugely improved CV, LinkedIn profile and interview skills, as well as a better understanding of work preferences and values, is giving AUT student Anna Erwood (above) lots of confidence about finding a good graduate role next year in the fields of public health and counselling.

"I went to the first CV workshop thinking my CV was pretty good but the tips I got about formatting and tailoring each CV to the job I apply for has really made a big difference,” says Anna who is in her last semester of public health and counselling.

LinkedIn profile

It is not only her CV that has improved. After doing LinkedIn workshops, she has learned how to create a professional profile - something she’d never thought she needed.
“But I know now that a lot of employers look on LinkedIn for candidates, so I’ve improved my headings, updated my bio to be more interesting and made it clear that I’m looking for work.”

Interview practice

Anna has also appreciated the workshops she’s done on approaching interviews, including pre-recorded video interviews, online interviews and in-person interviews.
Practising interview questions was a significant help as well, says Anna, who used to struggle when asked what her weaknesses were.
“In the past I’d try and make it a strength, but now I say “A weakness of mine is maybe taking on too much but I’m working on it by ensuring that I look after myself and taking time out when needed.”

She also learned about the purpose behind online assessments.
“I did a couple of assessments recently and was quite confused about the relevancy of some of the questions. After talking with Naufa (Elab employability specialist), I realised organisations are wanting to understand my thought processes and there isn’t necessarily a ‘right’ answer to a lot of assessments. That was very reassuring.”

Career development

More recently she has also done workshops on career development, including personality assessments and looking at her values, skills, strengths and the types of teams that suited her best.
“I have found this quite inspiring because it’s given me a bit of direction to think about my life skills, not just academic skills.”

She strongly recommends all AUT students use the employability services to make sure they do well in their job search.

Want to know more about AUT Employability and Careers?

Employability Lab setting

  • Visit us at the Employability Lab on city campus in WA202.
  • Hop onto Elab Online and sign up for a workshop or appointment.
  • Book to see one of our employability and career specialists at North and South Campus Student Hubs through Elab Online.

We look forward to seeing you.

Employability and Careers Blog

Find ideas on how to get better at job search through your CV or LinkedIn profile, learn from the feedback of employers, and be inspired by stories of AUT students and graduates as they network, go to job interviews and find their feet in their chosen career.

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